Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of wasabeef/awesome-android-ui with ranks
List of Android UI/UX Libraries
A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries.
Other lists
- Looking for Core Library? Check out wasabeef/awesome-android-libraries ★4389.
- Looking for iOS? Check out cjwirth/awesome-ios-ui ★10299
Index (light-weight pages)
- Material
- Layout
- Button
- List / Grid
- ViewPager
- Label / Form
- Image
- SeekBar
- Progress
- Menu
- ActionBar
- Dialog
- Calendar
- Graph
- Animation
- Parallax
- Effect (Blur… etc)
- Other
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
MaterialDesignLibrary ★8738 | Apache License V2 |
DrawerArrowDrawable ★821 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
MaterialTabs ★1379 | Apache License V2 |
PagerSlidingTabStrip ★2093 | Apache License V2 |
material-ripple ★2090 | Apache License V2 |
RippleEffect ★4663 | MIT |
LDrawer ★1388 | Apache License V2 |
material-design-icons ★35009 | Apache License V2 |
AndroidMaterialDesignToolbar ★714 ⏳2Y | UnKnown |
MaterialEditText ★5237 | Apache License V2 |
material-menu ★2421 | Apache License V2 |
material-dialogs ★13484 | Apache License V2 |
AlertDialogPro ★463 | Apache License V2 |
MaterialNavigationDrawer ★1601 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
MaterialDialog ★2107 | Apache License V2 |
materialish-progress ★2316 | Apache License V2 |
FloatingActionButton ★3962 | MIT |
android-floating-action-button ★5501 | Apache License V2 |
MaterialSheetFab ★1437 | MIT |
CircularReveal ★2334 | Apache License V2 |
material-range-bar ★1497 | Apache License V2 |
Lollipop-AppCompat-Widgets-Skeleton ★100 ⏳3Y | Apache License V2 |
Carbon ★2047 | Apache License V2 | NONE
material-calendarview ★4300 | Apache License V2 |
Material ★5485 | Apache License V2 |
Material Icon Library ★2125 | Apache License V2 |
FAB-Loading ★570 | Apache License V2 |
MaterialTextField ★1276 | Apache License V2 |
MaterialDateRangePicker ★1054 | Apache License V2 |
TapTargetView ★3813 | Apache License V2 |
Spotlight ★1480 | Apache License V2 |
MaterialTapTargetPrompt ★988 | Apache License V2 |
MaterialShadows ★1567 | MIT |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
WaveView ★1161 | Apache License V2 |
ResideLayout ★388 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
AndroidSwipeLayout ★10112 | MIT |
SwipeBackLayout ★5120 | Apache License V2 |
Maskable Layout ★570 | Apache License V2 |
ExpandableLayout ★1476 | MIT |
android-PullRefreshLayout ★1898 | MIT |
TileView ★1245 | MIT |
ShowcaseView ★5292 | Apache License V2 |
Ultra Pull To Refresh ★9112 | Apache License V2 |
AndroidViewHover ★2886 | UnKnown |
DraggablePanel ★2854 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
Slidr ★1965 | Apache License V2 |
Phoenix Pull-to-Refresh ★3822 | Apache License V2 |
Pull-to-Refresh.Tours ★1601 | Apache License V2 |
InboxLayout ★677 ⏳3Y | UnKnown |
SwipeBack ★1480 | UnKnown |
ArcLayout ★1174 | Apache License V2 |
Dragger ★1217 | Apache License V2 |
PhysicsLayout ★566 | Apache License V2 |
BottomSheet ★3805 | License |
Bubbles for Android ★1309 | Apache License V2 |
AndroidSlidingUpPanel ★7660 | Apache License V2 |
android-transition ★577 | Apache License V2 |
CircleRefreshLayout ★1678 ⏳1Y | MIT |
WaveSwipeRefreshLayout ★1752 | Apache License V2 |
FloatingView ★885 | Apache License V2 |
FrenchToast ★368 | Apache License V2 |
AndroidSweetSheet ★1893 | Apache License V2 |
FABRevealLayout ★812 | Apache License V2 |
ToggleExpandLayout ★813 | MIT |
FlowingDrawer ★2125 | Apache License V2 |
WaveView ★1254 | Apache License V2 |
FoldableLayout ★540 | Apache License V2 |
TriangleLabelView ★726 | Apache License V2 |
FlexboxLayout ★11747 | Apache License V2 |
Vorolay ★816 | Apache License V2 |
Hover ★2334 | MIT |
FerrisWheel ★88 | Apache License V2 |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
circular-progress-button ★4846 | Apache License V2 |
android-process-button ★2746 | Apache License V2 |
android-circlebutton ★1400 | Apache License V2 |
android-flat-button ★1159 | Apache License V2 |
MovingButton ★115 | MIT |
LabelView ★1637 | Apache License V2 |
List / Grid
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
SuperRecyclerView ★2589 | Apache License V2 | NONE
RecyclerViewSwipeDismiss ★424 | UnKnown |
FlabbyListView ★741 | Apache License V2 |
recyclerview-stickyheaders ★972 ⏳2Y | MIT |
ParallaxListView ★675 ⏳1Y | UnKnown |
PullZoomView ★2163 | Apache License V2 |
SwipeMenuListView ★3306 | MIT |
discrollview ★1406 | Apache License V2 |
StickyListHeaders ★5292 | Apache License V2 |
ListBuddies ★985 | Apache License V2 | <img src=”/art/ListBuddies.png” width=”49%”/ > <img src=”/art/ListBuddies.gif” width=”49%”/ >
Android-ObservableScrollView ★8838 | Apache License V2 |
AsymmetricGridView ★1552 | Apache License V2 |
DynamicGrid ★854 | MIT |
AndroidStaggeredGrid ★4683 | Apache License V2 |
SwipeListView | Apache License V2 |
android-parallax-recyclerview ★1569 | Apache License V2 |
BlurStickyHeaderListView ★126 | MIT |
RecyclerView Animators ★8018 | Apache License V2 |
RecyclerView-FlexibleDivider ★1990 | Apache License V2 |
AndroidTreeView ★2108 | Apache License V2 |
RecyclerViewFastScroller ★980 | Apache License V2 |
RecyclerView-MultipleViewTypesAdapter ★393 | Apache License V2 |
SwipeToAction ★184 | Apache License V2 |
Advanced Recyclerview ★4015 | Apache License V2 |
RecyclerItemDecoration ★264 | Apache License V2 |
MaterialRecents ★473 | Apache License V2 |
Dividers ★491 | Apache License V2 |
Drag Select Recycler View ★1269 | MIT |
sticky-headers-recyclerview ★3285 | Apache License V2 |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
ParallaxPagerTransformer ★618 ⏳2Y | UnKnown |
ViewPagerTransforms ★1918 | Apache License V2 |
CircleIndicator ★2968 | MIT |
Android ViewPagerIndicator ★9800 | Apache License V2 |
Android-ParallaxHeaderViewPager ★1369 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
freepager ★446 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
SpringIndicator ★2134 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
SmartTabLayout ★5453 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
FlipViewPager.Draco ★1793 | Apache License V2 |
MaterialViewPager ★7359 | Apache License V2 |
AndroidRubberIndicator ★1507 | MIT |
HollyViewPager ★995 | Apache License V2 |
SCViewPager ★769 | Apache License V2 |
SwipeSelector ★993 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
NavigationTabStrip ★1825 | Apache License V2 & MIT |
NavigationTabBar ★3992 | Apache License V2 & MIT |
UltraViewPager ★3668 | MIT |
Label / Form
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
Shimmer-android ★1831 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
Shimmer for Android ★2784 | BSD 2 License |
Titanic ★1628 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
MatchView ★816 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
android-autofittextview ★3466 | Apache License V2 |
SecretTextView ★558 ⏳3Y | UnKnown |
TextJustify-Android ★1683 | Apache License V2 |
RoundedLetterView ★625 | Apache License V2 |
TextDrawable ★2707 | Apache License V2 |
BabushkaText ★697 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
ExpandableTextView ★3025 | Apache License V2 |
Float Labeled EditText ★1138 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
SizeAdjustingTextView ★256 ⏳3Y | GNU License | NONE
ParkedTextView ★242 ⏳1Y | MIT |
Material Code input ★819 | Apache License V2 |
TextSurface ★1836 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
EmailAutoCompleteTextView ★418 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
Tab Digit ★401 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
RotatingText ★1186 | MIT |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
TouchImageView ★1904 | LICENSE | NONE
CircleImageView ★9928 | Apache License V2 |
android-shape-imageview ★2183 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
GifImageView ★973 | MIT |
cropper ★2604 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
android-crop ★4117 | Apache License V2 |
SelectableRoundedImageView ★934 | Apache License V2 |
RoundedImageView ★4824 | Apache License V2 |
CropImageView ★619 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
BitmapMerger ★446 | MIT |
Scrolling Image View ★1412 | NONE |
Pixelate Android ★581 ⏳1Y | MIT |
SimpleCropView | MIT |
android-anyshape ★169 ⏳2Y | MIT |
PanoramaImageView ★1892 ⏳1Y | MIT |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
DiscreteSeekBar ★1962 | Apache License V2 |
SeekBarCompat ★149 | Apache License V2 |
PreviewSeekBar ★2627 | Apache License V2 |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
SmoothProgressBar ★4025 | Apache License V2 |
NumberProgressBar ★4963 | MIT |
CircleProgress ★2973 | UnKnown |
android-square-progressbar ★1080 | UnKnown |
GoogleProgressBar ★1211 | Apache License V2 |
Android-RoundCornerProgressBar ★1518 | Apache License V2 |
ElasticDownload ★1555 | Apache License V2 |
FABProgressCircle ★1098 | Apache License V2 |
Loading ★1031 | Apache License V2 |
Animated Circle Loading View ★1027 | Apache License V2 |
AndroidFillableLoaders ★1766 | Apache License V2 |
spots-dialog ★788 | MIT |
AVLoadingIndicatorView ★7487 | Apache License V2 |
LoadingDots ★104 | MIT |
ColorArcProgerssBar ★757 | Apache License V2 |
ArcProgressStackView ★168 | Apache License V2 |
WaveLoadingView ★1421 | Apache License V2 |
CatLoadingView ★898 | MIT |
WaveLoading ★1267 | MIT |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
CircularFloatingActionMenu ★2359 | MIT |
AndroidResideMenu ★2690 | MIT |
Folder-ResideMenu ★340 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
Side-Menu.Android ★4629 | Apache License V2 |
Context-Menu.Android ★3363 | Apache License V2 |
GuillotineMenu-Android ★2594 | Apache License V2 |
android-snake-menu ★554 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
BoomMenu ★4709 | Apache License V2 |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
FadingActionBar ★2915 | Apache License V2 |
GlassActionBar ★1228 | Apache License V2 |
NotBoringActionBar ★1744 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
DialogPlus ★3890 | Apache License V2 |
Sweet Alert ★5830 | MIT |
FlycoDialog-Matser ★1887 | MIT |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
Caldroid ★1371 | MIT |
android-times-square ★4194 | Apache License V2 |
Android-MonthCalendarWidget ★1033 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
android-betterpickers ★2698 | Apache License V2 |
Android-Week-View ★2888 | Apache License V2 |
SilkCal ★383 ⏳3Y | MIT |
SublimePicker ★2043 | Apache License V2 |
MaterialDateTimePicker ★3446 | Apache License V2 |
CompactCalendarView ★1254 | MIT |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
EazeGraph ★1358 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
GraphView | Apache License V2 |
hellocharts-android ★5902 | Apache License V2 |
MPAndroidChart ★22846 | Apache License V2 |
WilliamChart ★3862 | Apache License V2 |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
AndroidViewAnimations ★9572 | MIT |
ListViewAnimations ★5685 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
AndroidImageSlider ★5029 ⏳1Y | MIT |
transitions-everywhere ★3893 | Apache License V2 |
Android Ripple Background ★1787 | MIT |
android-flip ★2696 ⏳2Y | MIT |
FragmentTransactionExtended ★1046 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
KenBurnsView ★2225 | Apache License V2 |
rebound ★5084 | BSD 2 License | http://facebook.github.io/rebound/
Reachability ★259 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
AnimationEasingFunctions ★2113 | MIT |
EasyAndroidAnimations ★1302 ⏳2Y | UnKnown |
android-pathview ★2385 | Apache License V2 |
ViewRevealAnimator ★323 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
ArcAnimator ★1163 ⏳1Y | MIT |
SearchMenuAnim ★770 ⏳2Y | UnKnown |
Cross View ★319 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
WoWoViewPager ★2417 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
Lottie for Android ★21020 | Apache License V2 |
RichPath ★1452 | Apache License V2 |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
ParallaxEverywhere ★666 ⏳1Y | MIT |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
EtsyBlur ★640 | Apache License V2 |
BlurDialogFragment ★1785 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
BlurBehind ★490 ⏳2Y | MIT |
Android StackBlur ★3125 | Apache License V2 |
EdgeEffectOverride ★656 ⏳3Y | Apache License V2 |
ExplosionField ★3150 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
BrokenView ★785 ⏳2Y | MIT |
Trianglify ★429 | Apache License V2 |
ShineButton ★3254 | MIT |
Name | License | Demo
— | — | —
Swipecards ★2025 | Apache License V2 |
Android-Bootstrap ★6672 | MIT |
Android PDFView ★2368 ⏳2Y | GPL V3 |
Dspec ★572 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
LolliPin ★1403 | Apache License V2 |
DrawableView ★504 | Apache License V2 |
Material Shadow 9-Patch ★457 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
SimpleFingerGestures ★259 ⏳1Y | Apache License v2 |
Decor ★303 ⏳1Y | Apache License V2 |
Voice Recording Visualizer ★454 ⏳3Y | Apache License V2 |
EasyFonts ★374 | Apache License V2 |
Android Sliding Activity Library ★1201 | Apache License V2 |
Snake View ★306 ⏳2Y | Apache License V2 |
Rotatable ★244 ⏳2Y | MIT |
StatusBarUtil ★5551 | Apache License V2 |
Horizon - Simple visual equaliser for Android ★1791 | Apache License V2 |
Stepper Touch ★339 | Apache License V2 |
Konfetti ★1033 | ISC |
This list is a copy of wasabeef/awesome-android-ui with ranks