Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of unicodeveloper/awesome-nextjs with ranks
Awesome Next.js
Curated list of resources: books, videos, articles about using Next.js.
Next.js ★26529 is a minimalistic framework for server-rendered React applications.
List inspired by the awesome list thing. You might also like awesome-tdd ★253.
- Build a Universal JavaScript App with Next.js
- Getting Started with Next.js — Setting Up Your App
- Getting Started with Next.js — Bringing Data In
- How to build a Next.js React Universal App
- Next on Next.js
- Accept payments on your site with nextjs, stripe, and micro
- Next.js on Cloud Functions for Firebase with Firebase Hosting
- Building a Blog With Next.js
- Using Google Analytics with Next.js
- Build a Universal JavaScript App with Next.js and Redux [Russian]
- Next.js — React Server Side Rendering Done Right
- 5 (of the Many Reasons) to love Zeit’s Next.js
- Next.js 5: Universal Webpack, CSS Imports, Plugins and Zones
- Realtime data visualization using Next.js and Chart.js
- Build a chat app with sentiment analysis using Next.js
- Build a realtime table with Next.js
- NextJS in Firebase with Bootstrap ★3 - Hosting NextJS app with Bootstrap in Firebase with Cloud Functions.
- Next Simple Starter ★308 - Simple PWA boilerplate with Next.js and Redux.
- NextJS Starter ★550 - Starter project for Next.js with and email and oAuth authentication.
- RAN! ★1396 - Production-ready boilerplate with support for GraphQL, SSR, Hot-reload, CSS-in-JS, caching, and more.
- Next Simple Blog ★318 - Simple Markdown based blog built with Next.js with static exports.
- Create-Next-App - Fork of Facebook’s create-react-app to create a next application.
- phox ★6 - Create a static photo blog.
- Next Express Bootstrap Boilerplate ★30 - Boilerplate for a full stack app built using Next, Express, react-bootstrap, SCSS and SSR with eslint.
- Next Blog Firestore ★39 - Blog with simple CMS built with Next.js, Firebase Firestore, styled-components and mobx-state-tree.
- Next Redux Starter ★31 - Next.js starter with Express, Redux, and PostCSS.
- Staart ★143 - 😎 Actively maintained Next.js components library and minimal boilerplate to rapidly get staarted with app with working user accounts based on Ooth.
NextJS TypeScript Starter Kit ★69 -
TypeScript + NextJS@5, Styled-jsx, Redux, PostCSS, configurable SEO
- Next Boilerplate - External CSS and Sass + Importing images from anywhere + Prettier and Eslint + Environment variables and many more features.
next-starter ★2 - A full and simple boilerplate with
sass (.scss)
built in.
- Next Routes ★841 - Universal named routes for Next.js.
- Next-Pkg - Extended Next.js server with pkg ★10172 support.
- Next Plugins ★401 - A curated list of plugins for Webpack and Next.js
- Next Plugin Graphql ★11 - Next.js plugin for .graphql and .gql files using graphql-tag
- Next With Apollo ★31 - Apollo Graphql integration for Next.js
- Nextgram - Sample Next.js app for showing off its capabilities.
- NextJS GOT ★19 - Simple Next.js application that showcases Game of Thrones Characters.
- Next Episode ★24 ⏳1Y - Sample Next.js app showing movie episodes.
- Relate - Mindfulness community - React, GraphQL, Next.js.
- Next News ★435 - HackerNews written in Next.js.
- Password ★84 - One password, right way.
- Next Todos ★94 ⏳1Y - Todo list written in Next.js.
- Hacker News ★34 ⏳1Y - Another Hacker News written in Next.js.
- Jet Chat ★3 ⏳1Y - Jet and Next.js powered Chat demo.
- Nextgram ★12 - Sample Next.js v2 app for showing off its capabilities.
- Rauchg Blog ★275 - Blog built by a Next.js core maintainer.
- Next JPH ★24 ⏳1Y - JsonPlaceholder sample app made with Next.js.
- Mailto ★42 - HTML mailto’s made easy.
- Plate ★33 ⏳1Y - The task management app to rule them all.
- Dashboard ★447 - Create your own team dashboard with custom widgets.
- Snape ★116 - A torrent client to search, stream and download torrents.
- Trello Resume ★5 - Converts trello data into fast read information.
- Server Authentication with JWT ★46 - Server authentication, prevent render before validation.
- Alexander Kachkaev’s website – personal homepage built with Next.js, GraphQL, Docker and Kubernetes. Uses apollo client, react-intl, styled-components and recompose. Docker images are automatically built by GitLab CI.
- Cookie handler with server render ★7 - Cookie handler with server render, access the cookie before render.
- Gank ★60 - A Next.js App use gank-api, mobx and antd
- Decoupled CMS example with GraphQL and Next.js ★14
- DS ★5 - Personal site manager.
- Mozilla VR Home - Mozilla VR Home
- Elton John’s website - Elton John’s Website
- IOTA’s Data Market Place - IOTA Market Place
- magicleap.com - Magic Leap
- NPM.js Search Page - NPM’s Search Page
- Docker Success Center - Docker Success Center
- Hands On Next.js - A practical fullstack book on universal (server) rendering for react applications.
- Create your first ReactJS application with NextJS [Spanish]
- React Server Side Rendering with NextJS
- Guillermo Rauch - Next.js by Example
- Guillermo Rauch - Next.js: Universal React Made Easy and Simple
- Introduction to Next.js
- Next.js in production
- Parameterized Routing with Next.js
[JSHeroes 2017 Guillermo Rauch - Static and Dynamic Next.js](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLNJsuXB4CI) - Programming the Universal Future with Next.js - Guillermo Rauch · JSConf China 2017
- BPJS: Special - Introduction to Next.js
- Next for Next.js
- Data Management With Next.js and GraphQL
- Next.js Register User
- Next.js Crash Course - Server Side React
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This list is a copy of unicodeveloper/awesome-nextjs with ranks