Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of ujjwalkarn/Machine-Learning-Tutorials with ranks
Machine Learning & Deep Learning Tutorials
This repository contains a topic-wise curated list of Machine Learning and Deep Learning tutorials, articles and other resources. Other awesome lists can be found in this list ★87749.
If you want to contribute to this list, please read Contributing Guidelines.
Curated list of R tutorials for Data Science, NLP and Machine Learning ★1075.
Curated list of Python tutorials for Data Science, NLP and Machine Learning ★3107.
- Introduction
- Interview Resources
- Artificial Intelligence
- Genetic Algorithms
- Statistics
- Useful Blogs
- Resources on Quora
- Resources on Kaggle
- Cheat Sheets
- Classification
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Model Validation using Resampling
- Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Computer Vision
- Support Vector Machine
- Reinforcement Learning
- Decision Trees
- Random Forest / Bagging
- Boosting
- Ensembles
- Stacking Models
- VC Dimension
- Bayesian Machine Learning
- Semi Supervised Learning
- Optimizations
- Other Useful Tutorials
In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos
A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software ★33352
A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries and resources. ★1665
An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems
Machine Learning algorithms that you should always have a strong understanding of
Difference between Linearly Independent, Orthogonal, and Uncorrelated Variables
Twitter’s Most Shared #machineLearning Content From The Past 7 Days
Interview Resources
41 Essential Machine Learning Interview Questions (with answers)
How can a computer science graduate student prepare himself for data scientist interviews?
Artificial Intelligence
MIT 6.034 Artificial Intelligence Lecture Videos, Complete Course
[edX course Klein & Abbeel](https://courses.edx.org/courses/BerkeleyX/CS188x_1/1T2013/info) -
[Udacity Course Norvig & Thrun](https://www.udacity.com/course/intro-to-artificial-intelligence–cs271) - TED talks on AI
Genetic Algorithms
Stat Trek Website - A dedicated website to teach yourselves Statistics
Learn Statistics Using Python ★524 - Learn Statistics using an application-centric programming approach
[Statistics for Hackers Slides @jakevdp](https://speakerdeck.com/jakevdp/statistics-for-hackers) - Slides by Jake VanderPlas -
Online Statistics Book - An Interactive Multimedia Course for Studying Statistics
- OpenIntro Statistics - Free PDF textbook
Useful Blogs
Edwin Chen’s Blog - A blog about Math, stats, ML, crowdsourcing, data science
The Data School Blog - Data science for beginners!
ML Wave - A blog for Learning Machine Learning
Andrej Karpathy - A blog about Deep Learning and Data Science in general
Colah’s Blog - Awesome Neural Networks Blog
Alex Minnaar’s Blog - A blog about Machine Learning and Software Engineering
Statistically Significant - Andrew Landgraf’s Data Science Blog
Simply Statistics - A blog by three biostatistics professors
Yanir Seroussi’s Blog - A blog about Data Science and beyond
fastML - Machine learning made easy
Trevor Stephens Blog - Trevor Stephens Personal Page
[no free hunch kaggle](http://blog.kaggle.com/) - The Kaggle Blog about all things Data Science -
[A Quantitative Journey outlace](http://outlace.com/) - learning quantitative applications -
r4stats - analyze the world of data science, and to help people learn to use R
Variance Explained - David Robinson’s Blog
AI Junkie - a blog about Artificial Intellingence
Deep Learning Blog by Tim Dettmers - Making deep learning accessible
J Alammar’s Blog- Blog posts about Machine Learning and Neural Nets
Adam Geitgey - Easiest Introduction to machine learning
- Ethen’s Notebook Collection ★1391 - Continuously updated machine learning documentations (mainly in Python3). Contents include educational implementation of machine learning algorithms from scratch and open-source library usage
Resources on Quora
Kaggle Competitions WriteUp
Cheat Sheets
Linear Regression
Multicollinearity and VIF
[Dummy Variable Trap Multicollinearity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multicollinearity) - Dealing with multicollinearity using VIFs
Logistic Regression
Difference between logit and probit models, Logistic Regression Wiki, Probit Model Wiki
Pseudo R2 for Logistic Regression, How to calculate, Other Details
Model Validation using Resampling
- Cross Validation
- How to use cross-validation in predictive modeling
Overfitting and Cross Validation
[Preventing Overfitting the Cross Validation Data Andrew Ng](http://ai.stanford.edu/~ang/papers/cv-final.pdf) -
Over-fitting in Model Selection and Subsequent Selection Bias in Performance Evaluation
- How does CV overcome the Overfitting Problem
Deep Learning
A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities ★9190
Interesting Deep Learning and NLP Projects (Stanford), Website
Understanding Natural Language with Deep Neural Networks Using Torch
Introduction to Deep Learning Using Python (GitHub) ★121 ⏳2Y, Good Introduction Slides
Video Lectures Oxford 2015, Video Lectures Summer School Montreal
Neural Machine Translation
Deep Learning Frameworks
Feed Forward Networks
Speeding up your Neural Network with Theano and the gpu, Code ★58 ⏳2Y
[ANN implemented in C++ AI Junkie](http://www.ai-junkie.com/ann/evolved/nnt6.html) - Another Intro
- Recurrent and LSTM Networks
Recurrent Neural Net Tutorial Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Code ★706
The Unreasonable effectiveness of RNNs, Torch Code ★8031, Python Code
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
Torch Code for character-level language models using LSTM ★8031
LSTM for Kaggle EEG Detection competition (Torch Code) ★64 ⏳2Y
[Deep Learning for Visual Q&A LSTM CNN](http://avisingh599.github.io/deeplearning/visual-qa/), Code ★421 -
[Computer Responds to email using LSTM Google](http://googleresearch.blogspot.in/2015/11/computer-respond-to-this-email.html) -
LSTM dramatically improves Google Voice Search, Another Article
Torch code for Visual Question Answering using a CNN+LSTM model ★472 ⏳2Y
- LSTM for Human Activity Recognition ★1418 ⏳1Y
Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)
Time series forecasting with Sequence-to-Sequence (seq2seq) rnn models ★385
Restricted Boltzmann Machine
Autoencoders: Unsupervised (applies BackProp after setting target = input)
Convolutional Neural Networks
[Interview with Yann LeCun Kaggle](http://blog.kaggle.com/2014/12/22/convolutional-nets-and-cifar-10-an-interview-with-yan-lecun/) - Visualising and Understanding CNNs
Natural Language Processing
A curated list of speech and natural language processing resources ★1746
Understanding Natural Language with Deep Neural Networks Using Torch
[NLP from Scratch Google Paper](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en/us/pubs/archive/35671.pdf)
Text Clustering
Text Classification
Kaggle Tutorial Bag of Words and Word vectors, Part 2, Part 3
Computer Vision
Support Vector Machine
[How does SVM Work Comparisons](http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/23391/how-does-a-support-vector-machine-svm-work) -
- Kernels
Probabilities post SVM
Reinforcement Learning
Decision Trees
What is entropy and information gain in the context of building decision trees?
How do decision tree learning algorithms deal with missing values?
Discover structure behind data with decision trees - Grow and plot a decision tree to automatically figure out hidden rules in your data
Comparison of Different Algorithms
Probabilistic Decision Trees
Random Forest / Bagging
[OOB Estimate Explained RF vs LDA](https://stat.ethz.ch/education/semesters/ss2012/ams/slides/v10.2.pdf) -
Evaluating Random Forests for Survival Analysis Using Prediction Error Curve
Why doesn’t Random Forest handle missing values in predictors?
- Some Questions for R implementation, 2, 3
[Introduction to Boosted Trees Tianqi Chen](https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~tqchen/pdf/BoostedTree.pdf) -
Gradient Boosting Machine
Ensembling models with R, Ensembling Regression Models in R, Intro to Ensembles in R
[Good Resources Kaggle Africa Soil Property Prediction](https://www.kaggle.com/c/afsis-soil-properties/forums/t/10391/best-ensemble-references) - How are classifications merged in an ensemble classifier?
Stacking Models
Vapnik–Chervonenkis Dimension
Bayesian Machine Learning
Semi Supervised Learning
Mean Variance Portfolio Optimization with R and Quadratic Programming
Hyperopt tutorial for Optimizing Neural Networks’ Hyperparameters
Other Tutorials
For a collection of Data Science Tutorials using R, please refer to this list ★1075.
For a collection of Data Science Tutorials using Python, please refer to this list ★3107.
This list is a copy of ujjwalkarn/Machine-Learning-Tutorials with ranks