Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of ooade/awesome-preact with ranks
Awesome Preact
A curated list of amazingly awesome things regarding Preact ★19243 ecosystem
Preact ★19243 is a fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API. Components & Virtual DOM.
- Community
- Toolkits
- Boilerplates
- Routing
- Components
- Libraries
- Testing Utils
- Articles
- Example Apps
- Real Apps
- Related Libraries
- Tips
- Slack (Discussion Forum)
- Stack Overflow
- Github ★19243
- Preact CLI ★3133 - Build a Preact Progressive Web App in seconds.
- nwb ★3473 - Quick Development with React, Inferno or Preact.
- React App Rewire Preact - Use Preact with create-react-app without ejecting.
- Preact CLI PostCSS ★10 - It removes the default postcss config on Preact CLI, so you can use postcss.config.js.
- Create Preact App ★71 - Create Preact apps with no build configuration.
- Official Boilerplate ★788 - Ready-to-rock Preact starter project, powered by Webpack.
- Preact Simple Starter ★59 - PWA Simple Starter with Preact, Preact-mdl and Webpack2.
- Preact Offline Starter ★361 - Webpack2 boilerplate for building SPA / PWA / offline front-end apps with Preact.
- TypeScript Preact Starter ★18 - Barebones starter project for Preact with TypeScript.
- Preact Redux SSR Example ★25 ⏳1Y - Server-side Rendering with Redux Example.
- Preact PWA ★482 - PWA focused on raw performance, server side rendering, prerendering, redux, express, rollup.
- Preact Boilerplate ★1 - Absolutely minimal Preact starter project, powered by Parcel.
- Preact Router ★443 - URL router for Preact.
- Preact Material Components ★383 - Preact wrapper for “Material Components for the web”.
- Preact Scroll Header ★28 ⏳1Y - A (800b gzip) header that will show/hide while scrolling for Preact.
- Preact Progress ★37 ⏳1Y - Simple and lightweight (~590 bytes gzip) progress bar component for Preact.
- Preact Compat - Use any React library with Preact (full example).
- Preact Render To String - Universal rendering.
- Preact Markup - Render HTML & Custom Elements as JSX & Components.
- Preact Portal - Render Preact components into (a) SPACE.
- Preact Richtextarea - Simple HTML editor component.
- Preact Token Input ★40 ⏳1Y - Text field that tokenizes input, for things like tags.
- Preact Virtual List ★136 ⏳1Y - Easily render lists with millions of rows (demo).
- Preact Cycle - Functional-reactive paradigm for Preact.
- Preact Layout - Small and simple layout library.
- Preact Socrates ★15 ⏳2Y - Preact plugin for Socrates.
- Preact Flyd - Use flyd ★1224 FRP streams in Preact + JSX.
- Preact I18nline - Integrates the ecosystem around i18n-js with Preact via i18nline ★10.
- Preact MUI - The MUI CSS Preact library.
- Preact MDL - Use MDL as Preact components.
- Preact Photon - Build beautiful desktop UI with photon.
- Preact Classless Component - Create preact components without the class keyword.
- Preact Hyperscript ★14 ⏳1Y - Hyperscript-like syntax for creating elements.
Shallow Compare ★28 - Simplified
helper. - Preact Codemod ★30 - Transform your React code to Preact.
- Preact Helmet ★40 - A document head manager for Preact.
- Preact Delegate ★16 ⏳1Y - Delegate DOM events.
- Preact No SSR - Skip Server Side Rendering of Components.
- Preact Head ★27 ⏳1Y - Standalone, declarative <Head /> for Preact.
- Preact Side Effect ★9 - Create components whose nested prop changes map to a global side effect.
- Preact Tiny Atom - Preact Integration with Tiny Atom ★37.
- Preact Level List ★8 - Live updating leveldb list component for Preact.
- Preact Country Picker ★2 - Country picker based on bootstrap 3 made for Preact.
- Preact Fluid ★57 - A minimal UI kit for Preact.
- Preact Feather Icons ★9 - Feather icons for Preact.
- Preact Animate On Change ★11 - Add CSS3 animation when properties change.
- Preact Async Route ★105 - Async route component for preact-router.
- MU Forms ★44 - Dead simple form library for P(r)eact.
- Pimg ★56 - Progressive Image Component; Used for lazy loading images.
- Preact Component Console ★15 - Console Emulator. Simulates typing via dynamic delays.
- Redux Zero ★1561 - A lightweight state container based on Redux with a single store and no reducers.
- FPreact ★38 - Provides an alternative api for creating preact components, heavily inspired by elm.
- ProppyJS - A tiny library for functional props composition
Testing Utils
- Preact JSX Chai - JSX assertion testing (no DOM, right in Node).
- Preact Render Spy ★137 - Render Preact components with access to the produced virtual dom for testing.
- Preact Test Utils ★6 - Mock react-test-utils enzyme in preact.
- Preact Testing Library ★20 - Simple and complete Preact DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
- WTF is JSX
- The Inner Workings of Virtual DOM
- Using Preact Instead of React
- Preact Internals #1: The Easy Parts
- Preact Internals #2: The Component Model
- Building a Small PWA with Preact and Firebase
- Authentication with Auth0
Example Apps
- Preact HN ★279 - Demonstration of Preact used to build Hacker News as a PWA.
- TodoMVC ★56 - TodoMVC done in Preact. Under 6kb and fast.
- Colors App ★76 - PWA for copying values from popular color palettes. Supports HEX, RGB, and HSL formats.
- Tracks ★11 ⏳1Y - PWA for tracking things in general. Gdrive Sync.
- Hueify ★74 - Simple controller for your Philips Hue lights.
- Golazon - Football data mnmlist way.
- Shopping List ★12 - Progressive Web App Built Using Preact and PouchDB.
Related Libraries
- React ★97761 - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Inferno ★12623 - An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces.
- Rax ★4379 - A universal React-compatible render engine.
Contribute some ;)
Your contributions and suggestions are welcome anytime. Build great stuffs with Preact, share with us ;)
Make sure you follow the guidelines. Thank you!
This list is a copy of ooade/awesome-preact with ranks