Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of neueda/awesome-neo4j with ranks
Awesome Neo4j
A curated list of awesome Neo4j resources.
Inspired by the awesome-*
trend on GitHub.
The goal is to build a categorized community-driven collection of very well-known resources.
Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome!
Thanks to all contributors.
Maintained by Neueda R&D.
Table of Contents
- Basics
- Connectors
- Cloud
- Packages
- Docker
- Full-text search
- Import
- Benchmarking
- Extensions
- Stored Procedures
- Development
- Editors
- Shell
- Visualization
- Tools
- Resources
- License
Created by gh-md-toc ★158
- Official documentation
- Cypher Refcard
- Developer resources
- Gists - With Neo4j GraphGists you can describe and model your domain in a simple text file and render it as a rich, interactive page in any browser. Perfect to document a specific domain, use-case, question or graph problem.
- Neo4j Examples - Examples for Neo4j and Library Usage.
Related project
- openCypher - openCypher is an open source project to bring a new public implementation of the industry’s most widely adopted graph query language: Cypher.
- Bolt Protocol - The Bolt network protocol is a highly efficient, lightweight client-server protocol designed for database applications.
- neo4j-java-driver ★111 - Java driver for Neo4j binary protocol.
- neo4j-python-driver ★161 - Python driver for Neo4j binary protocol.
- neo4j-javascript-driver ★305 - JavaScript driver for Neo4j binary protocol.
- neo4j-dotnet-driver ★55 - .Net driver for Neo4j (Bolt).
- neo4j-bolt-php ★22 - PHP driver for Neo4j binary protocol.
- libneo4j-client ★43 - libneo4j-client is a client library written in C for Neo4j. It is not intended as a complete driver, but rather as a foundation on which basic tools and drivers for various languages may be built. libneo4j-client takes care of all the detail of establishing a session with a Neo4j server, sending statements for evaluation, and retrieving results.
- neo4j-spark-connector ★94 - Neo4j-Spark-Connector based on Neo4j 3.0’s Bolt protocol
- neo4j-elixir-driver ★20 - Elixir driver for the neo4j bolt protocol
- neo4j-elixir-wrapper ★76 - Neo4j driver for Elixir, wrapped around the Bolt protocol. Fork of the Boltex.
- neo4j-ogm ★156 - Object-Graph Mapping Library for Neo4j.
- spring-data-neo4j ★476 - Provides support to increase developer productivity in Java when using the neo4j graph database.
- neo4j-jdbc ★40 - Neo4j JDBC driver.
- jcypher ★47 - Java access to Neo4J graph databases at multiple levels of abstraction.
- neo4jrb ★1165 - An active model wrapper for the Neo4j Graph Database for Ruby.
- neography ★608 - A thin Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API.
- py2neo ★25 ⏳1Y - Py2neo is a comprehensive toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications or from the command line.
- neomodel - An Object Graph Mapper (OGM) for the neo4j graph database, built on the awesome py2neo.
- BulbFlow - A Python persistence framework for graph databases like Neo4j, OrientDB and Titan.
- Neo4j-PHP-OGM ★111 - Doctrine style Object Graph Mapper for Neo4j
- neo4jphp ★539 - PHP wrapper of the Neo4j REST interface.
- NeoEloquent ★351 - A Neo4j ORM - Based on Eloquent.
- neo4j-php-client - PHP Client for Neo4j leveraging the Http and Bolt protocols.
- Spider ★22 ⏳1Y - A simple, flexible, and beautiful graph-data abstraction for php.
- node-neo4j ★933 - REST API client for Node.
- Neo4jClient ★227 - .NET client binding.
- neoism ★314 - Client for Golang.
- neocons ★162 - A feature rich idiomatic Clojure client for the REST API.
- RNeo4j ★207 - Driver for R.
- AnormCypher ★124 - Scala library based on Anorm in the Play Framework.
- GrapheneDB - The world’s first fully managed Neo4j graph database.
- GraphStory - Neo4j enterprise cloud provider
- docker-neo4j ★93 - Docker Images for the Neo4j Graph Database.
- docker-neo4j-cluster ★33 ⏳1Y - Up & Running Neo4j cluster in no time.
Full-text search
- GraphAware Neo4j Elasticsearch Integration ★104 - GraphAware Framework Module for Integrating Neo4j with Elasticsearch.
- GraphAware Graph-Aided Search ★67 - Elasticsearch plugin offering Neo4j integration for Personalized Search.
- neo4j-elasticsearch ★81 - Neo4j ElasticSearch Integration.
- GraphAware Neo4j Importer ★15 - Java importer skeleton for complicated, business-logic-heavy high-performance Neo4j imports directly from SQL databases, CSV files, etc.
- neo4j-csv-firehose ★7 ⏳2Y - Enables Neo4j’s
Cypher command to load from other datasources as well. - neo4j-rdbms-import ★27 ⏳1Y - An automatic importer for relational databases into Neo4j.
- Doc manager for Neo4j ★67 ⏳1Y - The Neo4j Doc Manager takes MongoDB documents and makes it easy to query them for relationships by making them available in a Neo4j graph structure, following the format specified by Mongo Connector.
- neoprofiler ★23 - Neo4J database profiling utility.
- GraphAware Neo4j UUID ★52 - GraphAware Runtime Module that assigns a UUID to all nodes in the graph transparently.
- GraphAware Neo4j ChangeFeed ★10 ⏳1Y - A GraphAware Framework Runtime Module allowing users to find out what were the latest changes performed on the graph.
- GraphAware Neo4j TimeTree ★131 - Java and REST APIs for working with time-representing tree in Neo4j.
- GraphAware Neo4j Recommendation Engine ★222 - Neo4j-based recommendation engine module with real-time and pre-computed recommendations.
- GraphAware Neo4j Algorithms ★33 ⏳1Y - Custom graph algorithms for Neo4j with own Java and REST APIs.
- GraphAware Neo4j Warmup ★10 ⏳1Y - Simple library that warms up Neo4j caches with a single REST call.
- GraphAware Neo4j RestTest ★9 - GraphAware RestTest is a simple library for testing code that talks to Neo4j running in standalone server mode.
- GraphAware Neo4j Expire ★20 - GraphAware Expire is a simple library that automatically deletes nodes and relationships from the database when they’ve reached their expiration date or time-to-live (TTL).
- Spatial ★545 - Neo4j Spatial is a library of utilities for Neo4j that faciliates the enabling of spatial operations on data.
- Graphify ★347 - Graphify is a Neo4j unmanaged extension used for document and text classification using graph-based hierarchical pattern recognition.
- neo4j-tx-participation ★3 ⏳2Y - This is a Neo4j Server Extension to make Neo4j REST-API participate in transactions started by the transactional Cypher endpoint.
Stored Procedures
- Apoc : Awesome Procedures on Cypher ★471 - Collection of useful procedures for Neo4j 3.x
- Graphgen ★5 ⏳1Y - Neo4j procedure for generating test data easily with Cypher
- Maven repositories - Neo4j Maven repositories (releases, snapshots).
- GraphAware Neo4j Framework ★176- GraphAware Framework speeds up development with Neo4j by providing a platform for building useful generic as well as domain-specific functionality, analytical capabilities, (iterative) graph algorithms, etc.
- cypher-dsl ★54 - A Java DSL for the Cypher Query Language and an optional Query DSL mode.
- Liquigraph ★70 - Database migrations management tool, based on how Liquibase works.
- blueprints ★1266 - Blueprints is a collection of interfaces, implementations, ouplementations, and test suites for the property graph data model. Blueprints is analogous to the JDBC, but for graph databases.
- structr ★483 - Graph Application Platform based on Neo4j.
- Reco4PHP ★83 - Neo4j based Recommendation Engine Framework for PHP.
- jetbrains-plugin-graph-database-support ★71 - Graph Databases support for Jetbrains family IDE’s.
- cypher-vim-syntax ★18 ⏳3Y - Very basic Vim syntax for Cypher.
- cycli ★202 - A Command Line Interface for Cypher.
- neo4j-shell-tools ★226 - A bunch of import/export tools for the neo4j-shell.
- neoclipse ★183 ⏳1Y - Neoclipse is a tool to view, edit and explore Neo4j databases.
- Gephi ★2423 - Gephi is an award-winning open-source platform for visualizing and manipulating large graphs.
- Linkurious - Linkurious helps search and visualize your graph data through a simple web-based interface.
- Graphgen - Graph Generation engine based on the Cypher DSL.
- store-utils ★57 - Utilities to compact, copy, fix, analyse Neo4j stores.
- ineo ★36- A simple but useful Neo4j instance manager.
- Getting Started with Neo4j
- Neo4j in Production
- Neo4j Koans ★289 ⏳2Y - A koan-style tutorial in Java for Neo4j.
- Neo4j Certification - Become a Neo4j-Certified Professional.
To the extent possible under law, Neueda R&D has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
This list is a copy of neueda/awesome-neo4j with ranks