Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of motion-open-source/awesome-rubymotion with ranks
RubyMotion is an implementation of the Ruby programming language that compiles into native app’s that run on iOS, macOS and Android. RubyMotion is a commercial product created by Laurent Sansonetti for HipByte and is based on MacRuby for macOS. RubyMotion works exclusively on macOS.
This list categorized community-driven collection of awesome RubyMotion example apps, libraries, tools, frameworks, software and resources. Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome!
Please take a look at the contribution guidelines and quality standard first.
- Apps
- Developer Tools
- Editors & RM
- Libraries, Frameworks and Wrappers
- Android
- Apple API Wrappers
- Authorization
- Data Protocols
- Database
- Debugging & Error Reporting
- Dependencies Management
- Device support
- Encryption
- Frameworks
- Game Development
- Graphical User Interface
- Graphic Libraries
- Localization
- Models & Core Data
- Networking
- Project Management
- SaaS API Wrappers
- Scheduling
- Screenshots
- Software Design Patterns
- Templates
- Testing
- Updates
- Books
- Tutorials
- Presentations
- Resources
- Thanks
- Other Awesome Lists
Example Android Apps
- Android RubyMotionSamples - Collection of RubyMotion applications for code samples by HipByte the creators of RubyMotion.
- Rubymotion-android-cookbook ★28 ⏳3Y - Awesome rm cookbook examples for android.
Example iOS Apps
- IOS RubyMotionSamples - Collection of RubyMotion applications for code samples by HipByte the creators of RubyMotion.
- Custom Table View Cell with IB and RM ★0 ⏳3Y - Custom Table View Cell using Interface Builder with RubyMotion.
- MotionKit iOS Samples - iOS Example Apps made with MotionKit.
- Motion Dropbox Example ★0 ⏳1Y - App for demonstrating how to use official Dropbox API v2 SDK.
- Big Nerd Ranch Guide to iOS Programming Example in RubyMotion ★41 ⏳5Y - RubyMotion code examples from the book.
- Motion-webview - Simple RubyMotion example project to wrap a full-screen HTML5 app into an iOS app.
Example Hybrid (iOS/Andriod) App’s
RubyMotion Hybrid Sample ★43 ⏳3Y - Example from HipByte of a RubyMotion hybrid (iOS + Android) app.
Example macOS Apps
- MacOS RubyMotionSamples - Collection of RubyMotion applications for code samples by HipByte the creators of RubyMotion.
- Mctv-mac-osx ★4 ⏳5Y - Demo Pomodoro Technique Timer App.
- Motion-osx-ib ★4 ⏳5Y - This is an example on how to use the ib gem in a macOS RubyMotion 2.0 application.
- Motion-treeview-coredata ★5 ⏳4Y - Port of the example from Connecting NSOutlineView to Core Data in 10.6 Part 1: Ordered Trees to RubyMotion.
- Rm-osx-kartta ★1 ⏳4Y - RubyMotion / macOS map viewer for Finnish topographical maps.
- MotionKit macOS Samples - macOS Example Apps made with MotionKit.
- Rubymotion-avfoundation ★6 ⏳3Y - Simple OSX app using AVFoundation to stream, record, and transcode video.
- Motion SourceList Boilerplate ★9 ⏳2Y - RubyMotion boilerplate app for Mac macOS implementing a view based Source List.
- Menubar-popover ★10 ⏳4Y - Example app to show how to use NSPopopver from the menubar.
Example tvOS Apps
- TvOS RubyMotionSamples - Collection of RubyMotion applications for code samples by HipByte the creators of RubyMotion.
Open Source macOS Apps
- Timer-for-tick GitHub project ★3 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion menu bar app for tracking time with http://tickspot.com.
- Presence - Desktop Menu Bar for Uberzeit ★28 ⏳2Y, a self hosted time tracking platform.
- MemoryTamer ★11 - RubyMotion application for keeping memory usage in check. http://www.memorytamer.com/.
Open Source iOS Apps
- Buku-live-ios-rubymotion ★1 ⏳4Y - iOS app built in rubymotion for music festival RFID activation.
- BeerJudge ★21 ⏳2Y - iOS app for identifing different off flavors and aromas in a beer.
Propriety macOS Apps
- Versatil Markdown - Note taking app built around Markdown and geared for power users.
Propriety iOS Apps
Developer Tools
- Objc2rubymotion ★26 ⏳2Y - convert objective-c code to rubymotion.
- MLogger - Simple, log server for development.
Editors & RM
- Vim tab completion for RubyMotion - a quick rundown on setting up tab completion in vim for RubyMotion.
- Atom-objc-2-rubymotion ★5 ⏳3Y - Objective-C to RubyMotion converter for atom.
- Emacs motion-mode.el ★39 ⏳3Y - a package to provide emacs’ major mode for RubyMotion enviroment.
- SublimeRubyMotionBuilder ★157 ⏳1Y - Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin to simplify RubyMotion developing.
- RubyMine & RubyMotion - RubyMine integrates with RubyMotion and helps create applications for iOS.
Libraries, Frameworks and Wrappers
Because Android support is quite new we’re keeping the libraries together in this section.
- BluePotion ★68 - BluePotion is the Android version of RedPotion. (ALPHA).
- Toaster ★1 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion-android ‘Toast’ gem. Makes working with Android toasts really easy.
- Motion-maven ★16 ⏳3Y - motion-maven lets you automatically manage 3rd-party Java dependencies in RubyMotion for Android projects using Maven.
Apple API Wrappers
- Motion.h ★57 - Expose iOS and macOS system libraries in RubyMotion.
- MapKitWrapper ★45 ⏳3Y - Make dealing with MapKit less painful for RubyMotion.
- Medic ★21 ⏳2Y - Is HealthKit’s verbose and convoluted API driving you mad? Quick! You need a medic.
- Motion-accessibility ★42 ⏳3Y - Making accessibility accessible. RubyMotion Wrappers around the UIAccessibility protocols. Easily interact with Apple’s impressive array of assistive technologies, including VoiceOver.
- Vendor ★18 ⏳4Y - RubyMotion StoreKit Wrapper that allows you to buy, restore and get product info on your in app purchases and subscriptions.
- Motion-addressbook ★91 - RubyMotion wrapper around the iOS & macOS Address Book frameworks.
- Helu ★54 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion wrapper for the Store Kit Framework.
- Motion-speech ★9 ⏳4Y - Easy text-to-speech wrapper for AVSpeechSynthesizer in iOS 7.
- Motion-keychain ★35 ⏳2Y - The motion-keychain gem is a simple wrapper for Keychain on iOS and macOS. Makes using Keychain APIs as easy as NSUserDefaults.
- Motion-settings-bundle ★114 - Create a Settings.bundle for your RubyMotion app.
- Motion-Social ★12 ⏳3Y - Wrapper around the Social Framework.
- Can_i ★14 ⏳4Y - RubyMotion wrapper providing a simple DSL for role authorization, similar to the CanCan gem.
- motion-authorization ★10 ⏳2Y - Simple authorization for RubyMotion. Inspired by CanCan and Pundit.
Data Protocols
- Motion-csv ★20 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion friendly CSV parser gem.
- Meteor-motion ★10 ⏳4Y - Wrapper for Meteor DDP with support for Motion Model.
- Motion-firebase ★46 ⏳1Y - RubyMotion wrapper for the Firebase SDK.
- Yapper ★29 ⏳2Y - ORM for YapDatabase which is schemaless, very fast (thanks to YapDatabase’s architecture), has chainable criteria, one-many relationships, on-the-fly reindexing and is thread-safe.
- Couchmotion ★18 ⏳2Y - API for using Couchbase(CouchDB) a schemaless database with Rubymotion for Android and iOS.
- Motion-sqlite3 ★33 ⏳2Y - Minimal wrapper over the SQLite 3 C API for RubyMotion.
Debugging & Error Reporting
- Motion-reveal ★19 ⏳1Y - Easy way to add the Reveal framework to your Rubymotion project.
- Crittercism ★4 ⏳2Y - Easily add crash reporting to your RubyMotion app with Crittercism.
- Motion_print ★30 ⏳2Y - RubyMotion friendly console logger and debugging tool. Use it to output pretty formatted objects to the REPL.
- Awesome_print_motion ★48 ⏳1Y - Port of the awesome_print gem to RubyMotion.
- Motion-colorize ★18 ⏳5Y - Add some color to your RubyMotion output.
- Motion-xray ★572 ⏳2Y - iOS Inspector that runs inside your app, so you can debug and analyze from your device in real-world situations.
Dependencies Management
- MotionBundler ★102 ⏳5Y - Require and mock Ruby gems (including their dependencies) within RubyMotion applications.
- Motion-acknowledgements ★32 - This gem makes it easy to include the CocoaPods acknowledgements file in your application.
Device support
- Motion-distance ★21 ⏳4Y - Easy distance tracking for RubyMotion projects.
- Motion-capture ★14 - AVFoundation wrapper to support custom camera controllers.
- Motion-bitmask ★0 ⏳3Y - Simple implementation of generic bitmasks for RubyMotion.
- Rm-digest ★5 ⏳3Y - MD5 and SHA1 digest for RubyMotion (gem).
- BubbleWrap - Collection of (tested) helpers and wrappers used to wrap CocoaTouch code and provide more Ruby like APIs.
- Sugarcube ★436 - These extensions hope to make development in RubyMotion more enjoyable by tacking ‘UI’ methods onto the base classes (String, Fixnum, Numeric). With sugarcube, you can create a color from an integer or symbol, or create a UIFont or UIImage from a string.
- RubyMotionQuery - RMQ - UI Library for RubyMotion. Fast, non-polluting, & chaining; it’s like jQuery for RubyMotion + stylesheets, animations, events, and more.
- MotionPrime ★51 ⏳3Y - MotionPrime is yet another framework written on RubyMotion for creating really fast iOS applications.
- Elevate ★134 ⏳3Y - Stop scattering your domain logic across your view controller. Consolidate it to a single conceptual unit with Elevate.
- RedPotion ★228 - RedPotion combines RMQ, ProMotion, CDQ, AFMotion, and more for the perfect mix to develop in RubyMotion fast.
- Motion-support ★133 - Port of ActiveSupport to RubyMotion.
- ProMotion ★1274 - Full featured RubyMotion framework that makes iPhone development less like Objective-C and more like Ruby, designed to get up and running fast.
- ProMotion-XLForm ★21 - ProMotion-XLForm is a ProMotion plugin for XLForm.
- ProMotion-form ★21 ⏳2Y - ProMotion::FormScreen - forms the ProMotion way.
- ProMotion-iap ★19 ⏳1Y - ProMotion-iap is in-app purchase notification support for the popular RubyMotion gem ProMotion.
- ProMotion-menu ★78 - RubyMotion gem allowing you to easily setup a facebook or Path style hidden slide menu easily with the ProMotion gem.
- ProMotion-push ★16 ⏳1Y - Push notification support for ProMotion.
- ProMotion-map ★13 ⏳1Y - ProMotion::MapScreen gem. Extracted from ProMotion core.
Game Development
- Joybox ★293 ⏳3Y - Cocos2D & Box2D Wrapper for RubyMotion.
Graphical User Interface
GUI Frameworks
- IB ★264 - RubyMotion Interface Builder support, including outlets and actions.
- Teacup ★635 ⏳3Y - Community-driven DSL for creating user interfaces on the iPhone.
- MotionKit ★322 ⏳1Y - The RubyMotion layout and styling gem.
- Motion-stylez ★4 ⏳4Y - RubyMotion stylesheet library based off RMQ.
- Purplish-frame ★2 - Make working with rects, sizes and points more convenient with RubyMotion for iOS & macOS.
- Purplish-layout - RubyMotion wrapper for Auto Layout on iOS and macOS
- Motion-layout ★223 ⏳4Y - Nice way to use Auto Layout in your RubyMotion app.
- MIMInputToolbar ★9 ⏳4Y - Input accessory view for your UITextFields and UITextViews.
- Motion-Wiretap ★65 ⏳3Y - Wrapper for KVO, gestures, UIControl events, and procs. Okay okay it’s pretty much ReactiveCocoa in RubyMotion.
- Geomotion ★96 ⏳3Y - Better iOS Geometry with RubyMotion.
- Walt ★149 ⏳5Y - Frictionless, hash-based iOS animations.
- AccordionView ★15 ⏳5Y - Create and add Accordions to your UIViews.
- Motion-wizard ★37 ⏳1Y - Gem to create wizard like view controllers in iOS.
- Motion-imager ★25 ⏳3Y - Interactive iOS image viewer that does it all: double tap to zoom, flick to dismiss, et cetera.
- Motion Swipe ★12 ⏳2Y - Tinder-like swipe gem.
- Motion-dynamic-type ★5 ⏳4Y - Simplifying even further iOS 7’s Dynamic Type.
- Indoctrinator ★26 ⏳4Y - Indoctrinator is a RubyMotion gem that provides a Path style tutorial view for iOS applications.
- Motion-egg ★24 ⏳2Y - Add an Easter egg to your app.
- Formotion ★634 - Painless, productive views on iOS.
- Motion-form ★16 ⏳4Y - RubyMotion forms made easy.
Menu’s & Toolbars
- MenuMotion ★44 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion wrapper for creating macOS menus.
- Better_toolbar ★6 ⏳3Y - Better way to work with toolbars.
- EverydayMenu ★10 ⏳1Y - Easy way to define menu items and visually lay out menus for your macOS apps.
- StatusBar ★16 ⏳4Y - Notifications for the statusbar.
- Ion_in_Motion ★4 ⏳3Y - Ridiculously easy use of IonIcons in UILabels, UIButtons, UIImages and more. IonIcons: http://ionicons.com/.
- Moticons ★16 ⏳1Y - The easiest way to add icons to your RubyMotion app.
- Motion Floating Action Button ★7 ⏳2Y - Material design floating action button.
- Motion-awesome ★39 - DSL to easily create buttons and labels using the wonderful font-awesome library.
- Motion-hybrid ★37 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion framework for easily making hybrid webview-centric iOS apps.
Element Wrappers
- Simple_si ★21 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion wrapper for SIAlertView.
- Motion-blitz ★27 ⏳2Y - RubyMotion wrapper for SVProgressHUD.
Graphic Libraries
- Motion-Plot ★79 - RubyMotion wrapper for CorePlot.
- Motion-ocr ★63 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion wrapper for the OCR engine Tesseract.
- Motion-localization ★2 ⏳5Y - Localization rake task for RubyMotion.
Models & Core Data
- MotionModel ★198 ⏳2Y - Simple Model, Validation, and Input Mixins for RubyMotion.
- NanoStoreInMotion ★107 ⏳5Y - Wrapper for NanoStore, a lightweight schema-less key-value document database based on sqlite.
- MotionDataWrapper ★67 ⏳4Y - Intuitive querying and persistence of Core Data models, using Xcode to define entities, validations, relationships and migrations.
- Core Data Query - CDQ ★177 ⏳1Y - Easy-to-set-up library for using Core Data without Xcode.
- Motion-bindable ★11 ⏳4Y - Create two-way bindings between your models and view objects (or any other object.)
- Turnkey ★33 ⏳4Y - Utility for saving custom objects to NSUserDefaults using NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver.
- PackingPeanut - App persistent data for RubyMotion Android and iOS.
- RackMotion ★42 ⏳2Y - Intercept and alter HTTP requests and responses in RubyMotion.
- Motion-net-service ★26 ⏳5Y - RubyMotion wrapper providing a simple DSL for the Bonjour (NSNetService) zero configuration network protocol.
- Apex ★32 ⏳1Y - Apex is a RubyMotion web framework for macOS. It uses GCDWebServer under the hood and provides a Sinatra-like router and DSL.
- AFMotion ★221 - RubyMotion wrapper for AFNetworking.
Project Management
- Motion-schemes ★26 ⏳5Y - Expand RubyMotion build system to support building multiple apps from one project.
- Motion-config-vars - Heroku-style environment configuration for RubyMotion.
- Motion-env - Sync ENV variables between Rakefile and RubyMotion.
- Motion-my_env ★9 ⏳4Y - Simple environment variable solution for RubyMotion.
SaaS API Wrappers
- Motionscan ★18 ⏳5Y - RubyMotion wrapper around the image recognition SDK of Moodstocks.com.
- Motion-phrase ★10 ⏳2Y - Connect your RubyMotion project with PhraseApp for easy app internationalization. Translatable strings are exported while browsing the app and then manageable through the PhraseApp translation editor.
- Purple-monkey ★6 ⏳2Y - Barebones wrapper for working with MailChimp on iOS/macOS using RubyMotion.
- Motion-tickspot ★2 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion wrapper for the http://tickspot.com API that works on iOS and macOS.
- Motion-aws ★2 ⏳4Y - Provides iOS and macOS connectivity to AWS services.
- Motion-ocean ★5 ⏳4Y - RubyMotion wrapper for the http://digitalocean.com API v2.0.
- Sox ★6 ⏳5Y - RubyMotion wrapper for the Freshbooks API.
- Twittermotion ★42 ⏳4Y - RubyMotion wrapper for the iOS Twitter API.
- Under-os-image ★4 ⏳4Y - The new simplified images processing API for the http://under-os.com/ project.
- Motion-giphy ★4 ⏳4Y - Nice wrapper around the http://giphy.com API.
- Motion-installr ★13 ⏳4Y - Ad-hoc deployment using the amazing Installr service! https://www.installrapp.com/ .
- Under-os-image ★4 ⏳4Y - The new simplified images processing API for the http://under-os.com/ project.
- MotionPanel ★6 ⏳3Y - Native RubyMotion wrapper around the Mixpanel API.
- MotionPaddle ★1 ⏳1Y - RubyMotion gem for the Paddle framework.
- Algolia Offline Search - Simple integration of Algolia Offline Search SDK (http://www.algolia.com/) in your RubyMotion application.
- Motion-launchpad ★12 ⏳4Y - Gem providing a DSL allowing you to schedule events on specific launches of your application. ‘motion-takeoff’ only supplies displaying an alert, this gem executes any code block.
- Motion-takeoff ★34 - Gem for scheduling stuff. You can use motion-takeoff to display messages at certain launch counts and schedule local notifications.
- Motion-screenshots ★41 ⏳2Y - Automatic screenshots for your RubyMotion apps.
- Motion-launchimages ★5 - Automate taking your RubyMotion launch images.
Software Design Patterns
- Motion-pool ★0 ⏳3Y - Pool for RubyMotion.
- Motion-state-machine ★73 ⏳3Y - Grand Central-aware, simple syntax for state machines.
- Motion-objection ★25 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion wrapper for Objection.
- Weak_attr_accessor ★6 ⏳3Y - Adds weak_attr_accessor that wraps objects with WeakRef, for RubyMotion.
App project templates
- MotionTemplate ★64 ⏳4Y - Clean RubyMotion project for quickly templating a styled application.
- Promotion-template ★11 ⏳2Y - Utilize the bells and whistles of ProMotion to hit the ground running.
- Rubymotion_generators ★79 ⏳4Y - Provides boilerplate code templates for RubyMotion.
- Motion-template-spritekit ★18 ⏳2Y - SpriteKit project templates for RubyMotion (iOS/OSX/tvOS).
- MotionFixtures ★5 ⏳5Y - Simple support for test fixtures.
- WebStub ★94 ⏳1Y - Easily stub out HTTP responses in RubyMotion specs.
- Motion-stump ★46 ⏳2Y - Stubbing and mocking for RubyMotion.
- Motion-frank ★30 ⏳1Y - Gem to use integrate frank-cucumber into RubyMotion projects.
- Motion-crescentia ★3 ⏳3Y - RubyMotion wrapper for the Calabash BDD framework.
- Motion-facon ★37 ⏳1Y - Port of Facon mocking library to RubyMotion.
- Guard-motion ★46 ⏳5Y - Guard::Motion automatically run your RubyMotion specs (much like autotest).
- Motion-instabug ★3 ⏳3Y - motion-instabug allows RubyMotion projects to easily embed the Instabug SDK and be submitted to the Instabug platform.
- Motion-juxtapose ★51 ⏳2Y - Screenshot-driven assertions for testing Rails and RubyMotion applications.
- Test Sweet ★4 ⏳2Y - Integration testing your RubyMotion applications the simple and sweet way.
- Motion-sparkle ★23 ⏳2Y - motion-sparkle makes it easy to use Sparkle with your RubyMotion projects.
- RubyMotion, iOS Development with Ruby - Author: Clay Allsopp (free download).
- Building Mac macOS apps with RubyMotion - Author: Elliott Draper.
- Instant RubyMotion App Development - Author: Gant Laborde.
- RubyMotion iOS Development Essentials - Author: Abhishek Nalwaya, Akshat Paul.
- Concurrency patterns in RubyMotion - Article about working with Grand Central Dispatch in RubyMotion.
- IBeacons and Rubymotion - How to connect iBeacons and Rubymotion iBeacons with ProximityKit and Rubymotion
iOS Tutorials
- Rubymotion Tutorial - Make iOS Apps With Ruby.
- Fabric & RubyMotion Tutorial - Making Fabric Play Nice with RubyMotion.
- Facebook iOS SDK - How To Use the Facebook iOS SDK In Your RubyMotion project.
- RubyMotion Tutorial for Objective C Developers - Getting experienced Objective C developers on board.
macOS Tutorials
- Let’s Write a RubyMotion App: Part 1 - In this tutorial, you’ll build a painting application from scratch.
- Custom Table View Cell with IB and RM - Custom Table View Cell using Interface Builder with RubyMotion.
Chapters from the book Building Mac macOS apps with RubyMotion.
- Working with NSTableView - Working with NSTableView.
- Dragging and dropping - Dragging and dropping into your RubyMotion Mac macOS app.
- Capturing video and audio - Capturing video and audio on Mac macOS with RubyMotion.
- Previewing video and audio when capturing - Previewing video and audio when capturing on Mac macOS with RubyMotion.
- User specified custom key combination for a global hotkey - User specified custom key combination for a global hotkey.
Tutorial Screencasts
- Motion in Motion - Paid RubyMotion screencast with an occasional free episode for the masses to enjoy.
- Motion Casts - Learn to create native iOS applications using Ruby.
- IOS Development with RubyMotion - YouTube Channel from Kingsley Ijomah.
- RubyMotion Primer - Wishing you could create iOS apps using Ruby?
- Converting Obj-C to RubyMotion - Keynote presentation about converting Objs to RubyMotion.
- Introduction to RubyMotion ★3 ⏳4Y - Introduction to RubyMotion - The Cool Way to Build iOS Apps.
- Building iOS Apps With RubyMotion - Building iOS Apps With RubyMotion.
- Concurrency patterns in RubyMotion - Presentation about working with Grand Central Dispatch in RubyMotion.
- Talk about RubyMotion and Low Energy Bleutooth Sensors
Other Resources
Where to learn about RubyMotion and discover new RubyMotion libraries, projects and trends.
- RubyMotion Official Website - RubyMotion Official Website.
- Motion Toolbox - Collection of RubyMotion libraries and wrappers.
- App catalog - There are lots of RubyMotion apps in production.
Community Resources
Thanks to Clay Allsopp who created the Motion Toolbox list. Thanks to all contributors, you’re awesome and wouldn’t be possible without you!
Other Awesome Lists
Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in the
★87749 list.
This list is a copy of motion-open-source/awesome-rubymotion with ranks