Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
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Awesome Idris
An auxiliary list of awesome Idris resources.
Idris is a general purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types. Dependent types allow types to be predicated on values, meaning that some aspects of a program’s behaviour can be specified precisely in the type. It is compiled, with eager evaluation. Its features are influenced by Haskell and ML.
Official resources
- 10 things Idris improved over Haskell
- Meet Idris, a language that will change the way you think about programming
- Tests vs. Types
- Type Driven Development With Idris - Most important book published so far.
- Type Theory and Functional Programming
- Programming in Martin-Löf’s Type Theory
- Software Foundations - Repo is here ★202.
- Elaborator Reflection: Extending Idris in Idris - David Christiansen and Edwin Brady, 2016.
- Cross-platform Compilers for Functional Languages - Edwin Brady, 2015.
- Programming and Reasoning with Side-Effects in Idris - Edwin Brady, 2014.
- Idris, a General Purpose Dependently Typed Programming Language: Design and Implementation - Edwin Brady, 2013.
- Programming and Reasoning with Algebraic Effects and Dependent Types - Edwin Brady, 2013.
- Sequential decision problems, dependently typed solutions - Nicola Botta, Cezar Ionescu and Edwin Brady, 2013.
- Programming in Idris: a tutorial - Edwin Brady, 2012.
- Resource-safe Systems Programming with Embedded Domain Specific Languages – Edwin Brady and Kevin Hammond, 2012.
- Idris — Systems Programming Meets Full Dependent Types - Edwin Brady, 2011.
- Scrapping your Inefficient Engine: using Partial Evaluation to Improve Domain-Specific Language Implementation - Edwin Brady and Kevin Hammond, 2010.
- Correct-by-Construction Concurrency: using Dependent Types to Verify Implementations of Effectful Resource Usage Protocols - Edwin Brady and Kevin Hammond, 2010.
- Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) for Network Protocols - Saleem Bhatti, Edwin Brady, Kevin Hammond and James McKinna, 2009.
- Lightweight Invariants with Full Dependent Types - Edwin Brady, Christoph Herrmann and Kevin Hammond, 2008.
- Idris: General Purpose Programming with Dependent Types - Presentation by Edwin Brady, Idris’ creator.
- Dependently Typed Functional Programming in Idris by David Christiansen - Here’s 2, 3 and notes & exercises ★43 ⏳2Y.
- GitHub’s trending Idris repos
- iridium ★175 ⏳3Y - xmonad with the X11 abstracted and configured with Idris.
- lightyear ★173 - Parser combinators for Idris.
- quantities ★123 Type-safe physical computations and unit conversions in Idris.
- idris-type-providers ★65 - Type provider library for Idris.
- IdrisScript ★70 - FFI Bindings to interact with the unsafe world of JavaScript.
- idris-containers ★63 - Various data structures for use in the Idris Language.
- IdrisSqlite ★28 - Effectful bindings for SQLite.
- idris-http ★27 - HTTP library for Idris.
- RingIdris ★16 - Ring solver for Idris.
- specdris ★32 - Test framework for Idris.
- idris-config ★16 - Parsers for various configuration files written in Idris.
- probability - Probabilistic computation in Idris.
- idris-protobuf ★17 - Partial implementation of Protocol Buffers in Idris.
- idris-free ★15 - Free Monads and useful constructions to work with them.
- idris-jvm ★254 - JVM bytecode backend for Idris.
- idris-llvm ★59 - LLVM backend.
- idris-erlang ★165 ⏳1Y - Erlang backend.
- idris-malfunction ★64 - Experimental Malfunction (OCaml internal representation) backend.
- Mailing list
- IRC: #idris on freenode.net
- GitHub organization
- Community Standards
This list is a copy of joaomilho/awesome-idris with ranks