Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of igorbarinov/awesome-bitcoin with ranks
Awesome Bitcoin
A curated list of bitcoin services and tools for software developers
List of content
- Utilities
- Blockchain API and Web service
- Wallets API
- Opensource wallets
- Blockchain Explorers
- JavaScript Libraries
- PHP Libraries
- Ruby Libraries
- Python Libraries
- Java Libraries
- Playgrounds
- Read
- Pycoin ★658 Python-based Bitcoin and alt-coin utility library.
- sx sx - command line Bitcoin to empower the sysadmin
- bx ★172 Bitcoin Command Line Tool
- txwatcher ★25 ⏳2YA little Python utility that lets you monitor Bitcoin addresses through Blockchain Websocket API and perform custom callbacks.
- hellobitcoin ★187 A collection of simple programs which can generate bitcoin wallets, create and sign transactions, and send transactions over the bitcoin network.
- Mining visualization
Blockchain API and Web services
- block.io
- BlockCypher
- Gem.co
- Insight
- Chain.com
- Toshi by Coinbase
- Smartbit
- Cashier-BTC ★74 - self-hosted payment gateway.
Wallets API
Open Source Wallets
Blockchain Explorers
- Chain.so
- Blockchain.info
- BlockTrail
- Blockr
- Bitcoin Transaction Explorer ★87
- Blockexplorer.com ★165 ⏳2Y
- Smartbit
JavaScript Libraries
- Awesome CryptoCoinJS ★21 ⏳1Y
- Bitcore Library ★275
- Bitcoinjs-lib ★2205
- Cryptocoin ★98 ⏳3Y
- BlockTrail SDK NodeJS ★31
- bcoin ★1419 Javascript bitcoin library for node.js and browsers
PHP Libraries
Ruby Libraries
Python Libraries
- BlockTrail SDK Python ★12
- btctxstore ★4 ⏳1Y simple library to store/retrieve information in bitcoin transactions using OP_RETURN
- pybitcointools ★957 Python library for Bitcoin signatures and transactions from Vitalik Buterin. Not really maintained
- pycoin ★658 Python library for Bitcoin keys, signatures, transactions. Includes full VM implementation and tools for manipulating keys (ku) and transactions (tx).
Java Libraries
- BitcoinJ
- XChange ★1735 Library that provides a simple and consistent API for interacting with 50+ Bitcoin currency exchanges.
.Net Libraries
- NBitcoin ★618Comprehensive Bitcoin library for the .NET framework.
- BitcoinLib ★219 The most complete, up-to-date, battle-tested .net Library and RPC Wrapper for Bitcoin and Altcoins in C#.
- QBitNinja ★28 An Open Source and powerful blockchain API
- Script Playground
- Bitcoin IDE Bitcoin Script for dummies
- Debug Script Execution
- Bitcore Playground
- Mnemonic Code generator
- blockchain-demo ★1835 A web-based demonstration of blockchain concepts
Blockchain dump
- WebBTC These are postgres database dumps of the bitcoin-ruby-blockchain database generated by webbtc.com.
- BitcoinDatabaseGenerator ★47 A high performance data transfer tool that can be used to copy data from Bitcoin Core blockchain files to a SQL Server database
- Blockparser+SQL ★42 ⏳4Y Fast, quick and dirty bitcoin blockchain parser
- BitcoinABE ★658 Abe: block browser for Bitcoin and similar currencies
- NBitcoin.Indexer ★16 Scalable and fault-tolerant block chain indexer for Azure cloud platform.
Full nodes
- Bitcoinjs-server Bitcoin network node in JavaScript using Node.js / LevelDB
- Bitcoin-ruby-node ★22 ⏳1Y bitcoin node based on bitcoin-ruby-blockchain
- Toshi by Coinbase An open source Bitcoin node built to power large scale web applications
- Fullnode Javascript implementation of bitcoin
- Insight API ★349 A bitcoin blockchain API for web wallets
- Bitcoind.JS ★42 ⏳2Y bitcoind linked to node.js by BitPay
- Bitcore ★2466 Formerly just a Nodejs library, now a full node
- Mastering Bitcoin
- Grokking Bitcoin An in-depth technical book with rich illustrations.
- Bitcoin Stackexchange
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography A Gentle Introduction
Inspired by the awesome ★73813 list thing. Created by BlockchainU fellows.
To the extent possible under law, Igor Barinov has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
This list is a copy of igorbarinov/awesome-bitcoin with ranks