Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of brabadu/awesome-fonts with ranks
Awesome fonts
A curated list of fonts and typography resources.
- 27 fonts (give or take) that explain your world
- Fontjoy - Generate font combinations with deep learning
- Fonts In Use - A public archive of typography
- Typewolf
Free fonts
- Font Squirrel - A curated collection of free fonts from a variety of foundries
- Gidole - Open source, modern DIN
- Google Fonts
- Downloader for Google Fonts ★1295
- Files of Google Fonts ★10037 (sources)
- Noto Fonts ★1218 - Internationalized font for all languages, with rich support for CJK and emoji
- Roboto ★2950 - Default font on Android & ChromeOS, and the recommended typeface for Material Design
- Indestructible Type - An open-source font foundry
- The League of Moveable Type - The Open-Source Type Movement
- Chunk
- Junction
- League Gothic
- … And more
- Zilla Slab ★149 - Mozilla font
- The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack - A collection of text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era PCs
- AtF Spark - Font designed to create sparklines
- Inter ★4066 - A typeface specially designed for user interfaces.
- Open Baskerville
- Redacted ★4579 ⏳1Y - Keep your wireframes free of distracting Lorem Ipsum
- SansBullshitSans ★221
- WorkSans ★789
- alfred-emoji-workflow ★560 - Alfred 2 workflow for searching emoji codes
- emoji-cheat-sheet.com ★5639 - A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub
- emoji-data-js ★55 ⏳1Y - Emoji encoding swiss army knife for NodeJS
- emoji-minesweeper ★237 ⏳1Y - Minesweeper game made with emojis
- emoji-regex ★353 - A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard
- emoji-rspec ★170 ⏳4Y - Custom Emoji Formatters for RSpec
- emoji-translate ★778 - Translate text to emoji
- emoji ★236 ⏳4Y - All of the emoji supported on GitHub pull requests, issues, comments, commit messages, markdown files, etc
- emoji ★1643 - Find the emoji that echoes your mind
- emoji ★417 ⏳1Y - A gem. For Emoji. For everyone.
- emojidex ★3 - Emoji-as-a-service provider and set of tools and assets
- emojify.js ★1724 - A Javascript module to convert Emoji keywords to images
- emojify ★941 - Emoji on the command line
- emojilib ★731 - Emoji keyword library
- emojillate ★229 - Pixellate an image into emoji
- emojione ★3790 - EmojiOne™ is the open emoji standard
- emojistatic ★87 ⏳3Y - CDN static asset generation for emoji
- emojitracker ★554 ⏳1Y - Track ALL the emoji
- emojize ★112 ⏳2Y - High resolution, unicode (emoji) to html conversion utility.
- gemoji ★2972 - Emoji images and names
- gh-emoji ★139 ⏳1Y - Github emoji parsing done right
- node-emoji ★398 - Simple emoji support for Node.js
- megamoji ★150 - Making megamojis like a pro
- mojibar ★1771 - Emoji searcher but as a menubar app
- mojime ★40 - Outputs random emojis
- php-emoji ★1034 - A PHP Emoji conversion library
- twemoji ★7272 - Twitter Emoji for Everyone
- vim-emoji ★367 - Emoji in Vim
Iconic fonts
- Appa Sariicon ★17 ⏳2Y - 147 8-bit retro style webfont icons form web and mobile
- Country Icons ★4242 - A collection of all country flags in SVG and CSS
- Evil Icons Simple and clean SVG icon pack with the code to support Rails, Sprockets, Node.js, Gulp, Grunt and CDN
- Font Custom ★3136 - Icon font generator
- Font-Awesome - The iconic font and CSS toolkit
- font-mfizz ★444 - Vector Icons for Technology and Software Geeks
- FontAwesomeKit ★2590 - Icon font library for iOS. Currently supports Font-Awesome, Foundation icons, Zocial, and ionicons.
- fontello - Iconic fonts scissors
- brandico.font - Font with logos of social services & messagers
- fontelico.font - Open Source iconic font from Fontello project
- typicons.font - Transformed Typicons
- IcoMoon-Free - A package of flat vector icons together with an installable ligature font
- Iconic ★2452 ⏳2Y - Icon set in raster, vector and font formats
- icono - One tag One icon, no font or svg, Pure CSS
- ionicons - The premium icon font for Ionic
- Map Icons ★878 - Font for use with Google Maps API and Google Places API using SVG markers and icon labels
- Material design icons ★32728 - Official icon set from Google
- mfglabs-iconset - Awesome web font icon by MFG Labs
- Micon ★125 - Iconic Windows 10 font and CSS toolkit
- octicons - GitHub’s icon font
- openwebicons - Because Font Awesome had no RSS-icon and a font with only one icon would be a bit boring
- PaymentFont - A sleek webfont containing 94 icons of all main payment operators and methods
- PE-Analog-Clock-icon-font ★299 ⏳1Y - A set of icons for displaying a visual (“analog”) representation of time stamps
- stackicons ★970 - Icon font and Sass-based construction kit for Stackicons-Social, which supports multiple button shapes and a unique “multi-color” option in CSS for over 60 social brands
- svg-icon - An ultimate SVG icons collection done right
- typicons.font - 336 pixel perfect, all-purpose vector icons in a web-font kit
- weather-icons - 189 weather themed icons inspired by Font Awesome and ready for Bootstrap
- WebHostingHub Glyphs ★278 ⏳4Y
- Zocial ★199 ⏳6Y - Sass and Compass CSS3 social buttons framework
- CSS social buttons ★1661 - Entirely vector-based social buttons
Programming fonts
- Adobe Fonts
- Anonymous Pro
- Codeface ★4318 - Gallery of monospaced fonts for developers
- Fantasque Sans Mono ★3423
- Go Fonts - Open source fonts from Golang Project
- Hack ★10506
- Inconsolata
- Input - Flexible system of fonts designed specifically for code
- Meslo-Font ★1815 ⏳2Y - Customized version of Apple’s Menlo font
- Mononoki
- Nerd Fonts ★6381 - Collection of over 20 patched fonts for Powerline, Font Awesome, Octicons, Devicons, and Vim Devicons
Programming fonts with ligatures
- FiraCode ★19666 - Monospaced font with programming ligatures
- Fixedsys Excelsior ★227
- Hasklig ★2925
- Iosevka ★5291 - Spatially efficient monospace font family for programming. Built from code.
- Monoid ★4894
- PragmataPro - Proprietary font with special ligatures for Haskell, Agda, APL, etc
JavaScript libs
- Font.js
- fontkit ★269 - An advanced font engine for Node and the browser (demo)
- fontmin ★2432 - Font minifier
- Lettering.js ★4952
- localFont ★856 ⏳1Y - Save fonts in localStorage
- opentype.js ★1842 - Parser and writer for TrueType and OpenType fonts
- Typefont ★1289 - Algorithm that tries to recognize the font of a text in a photo
- Typeset.js ★2208 ⏳1Y - HTML pre-processor for web typography
- Typr.js ★322 - Parser and utility for working with fonts (TTF, OTF)
Event listeners for fonts loading on a web page
GitHub Showcases
- Command line font-manager ★18 ⏳1Y
- Font Squirrel Webfont Generator - Upload OTF or TTF fonts, receive webfonts
- FontForge ★1762 - Cross-platform font editor
- Powerline Fonts ★10262 - Patched fonts for Powerline users
Feel free to make a pull request. Click here to read the guidelines.
This list is a copy of brabadu/awesome-fonts with ranks