Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of alferov/awesome-gulp with ranks
Awesome Gulp ★73813
A curated list of awesome gulp ★28388 resources, plugins, and boilerplates for a better development workflow automation.
Looking for something else? Take a look at other awesome lists ★73813.
All contributions welcome. Feel free to contribute (guidelines).
[] - A deprecation notice;
General Resources
Official Documentation
Gulp Tutorials
- Building with Gulp
- Automate Your Tasks Easily with Gulp.js
- Gulp - The Vision, History, and Future of the Project
- Introduction to Gulp.js
- Video: Learning Gulp
- Using Gulp to Inject Scripts and Styles Tags Directly into Your HTML
- 5 Lessons Learned Using Gulp.js
- Automating Linkage: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Build
- Setting Up Gulp Tasks for the First Time
- Why You Shouldn’t Create a Gulp Plugin (or, How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love Existing Node Packages)
- 6 Gulp Best Practices You Can Use Today to Radically Improve Your Development Experience
- Gulp for Beginners
Gulp 4 Tutorials
- Migrating to Gulp 4 by Example
- Gulp 4: The new task execution system - gulp.parallel and gulp.series
Gulp with Browserify
Gulp with Angular
Gulp with Angular and Browserify
Gulp with Angular and Webpack
- Angular, Webpack and Gulp for an SPA: Part I
- Angular, Webpack and Gulp for an SPA: Part II
- Angular, Webpack and Gulp for an SPA: Part III
Gulp with React and Browserify
Gulp with Ember
Gulp with WordPress
Miscellaneous Resources
- gulp-sass - Sass → CSS with libsass ★3654.
- gulp-ruby-sass ★485 - Sass → CSS with Ruby Sass.
- gulp-compass ★177 - Sass → CSS with Ruby Sass & Compass.
- gulp-less - Less ★15269 → CSS.
- gulp-stylus - Stylus ★8771 → CSS.
- gulp-postcss - Pipe CSS through PostCSS ★16855 processors with a single parse.
- gulp-coffee - Coffeescript ★14500 → JavaScript.
- gulp-typescript - TypeScript ★28817 → JavaScript.
- gulp-react - Facebook React ★83326 JSX templates → JavaScript.
- webpack-stream - Run webpack ★35039 as a stream to conveniently integrate with gulp.
- gulp-babel - ES6 → ES5 with babel ★24745.
- gulp-traceur - ES6 → ES5 using Traceur ★7506.
- gulp-regenerator - ES6 → ES5 with Regenerator ★2160.
- gulp-es6-transpiler - [] ES6 → ES5 with es6-transpiler ★221 ⏳2Y.
- gulp-myth - Myth ★4389 - a polyfill for future versions of the CSS spec.
- gulp-cssnext - [] Use tomorrow’s CSS syntax, today, using cssnext ★4884.
- gulp-concat ★698 - Concatenate files.
- gulp-clean-css - Minify CSS with clean-css ★2727.
- gulp-csso - Minify CSS with CSSO ★2487.
- gulp-uglify - Minify JavaScript with UglifyJS2 ★7655.
- gulp-htmlmin - Minify HTML with html-minifier ★2849.
- gulp-imagemin - Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images with imagemin ★1806.
- gulp-svgmin ★301 - Minify SVG files with gulp.
- gulp-uncss - Remove unused CSS selectors with UnCSS ★7207.
- gulp-css-base64 ★59 ⏳1Y - Transform all resources found (those within a url() declaration) in CSS files into base64-encoded data URI strings.
- gulp-svg2png ★52 - Convert SVGs to PNGs.
- gulp-responsive ★397 - Generate images at different sizes.
gulp-svgstore ★583 - Combine svg files into one with
elements. - gulp-iconfont ★684 - Create icon fonts from several SVG icons.
Injecting Assets
- gulp-useref ★661 - Parse build blocks in HTML files to replace references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets.
- gulp-inject ★733 - Transform each file to a string and inject each transformed string into placeholders in the target stream files.
- wiredep ★1183 - Wire Bower dependencies to your source code.
- gulp-angular-templatecache ★516 - Concatenate and register AngularJS templates in the $templateCache.
- gulp-jade - Jade → HTML.
- gulp-handlebars - Handlebars ★12766 templates → JavaScript.
- gulp-hb - Handlebars ★12766 templates → HTML.
- gulp-nunjucks - Nunjucks ★4808 templates → JavaScript.
- gulp-dustjs - Dust ★2675 templates → JavaScript.
- gulp-riot - Riot ★12615 templates → JavaScript.
- gulp-markdown ★135 - Markdown → HTML.
- gulp-template - Lodash ★28397 templates → JavaScript.
- gulp-swig - Swig ★3037 templates → HTML.
- gulp-remark - Gulp plugin for remark - markdown processor powered by plugins
- gulp-csslint - Automated linting of CSS with CSSLint ★4036.
- gulp-htmlhint - HTMLHint ★1631 wrapper to validate your HTML.
- gulp-jshint - Detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript with JSHint ★7595.
- gulp-jscs - Check JavaScript code style with jscs ★5161.
- gulp-coffeelint - A style checker that helps keep CoffeeScript ★14500 code clean.
- gulp-tslint - TypeScript ★28817 linter plugin for gulp.
- gulp-eslint ★504 - Identify and report on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code.
- gulp-w3cjs - Validate HTML with w3cjs ★140.
- gulp-lesshint - Lint less files with lesshint ★102.
- gulp-check-unused-css ★354 - Check your HTML templates for unused CSS classes.
Live Reload
- browser-sync - Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites (recipes ★394).
- gulp-livereload ★764 - Gulp plugin for livereload.
- gulp-changed ★678 - Only pass through changed files.
- gulp-cached ★424 ⏳1Y - A simple in-memory file cache.
- gulp-remember ★143 - Remember and recall files passed through it.
- gulp-newer ★201 - Pass through newer source files only.
Flow Control
- merge-stream ★133 - Merge multiple streams into one interleaved stream.
- streamqueue ★58 - Pipe queued streams progressively.
- run-sequence ★924 - Run a series of dependent gulp tasks in order.
- gulp-if ★567 ⏳1Y - Conditionally run a task.
- gulp-notify ★568 - Notification plugin for gulp.
- gulp-size ★213 - Display the size of your project.
- gulp-debug ★197 - Debug vinyl file streams to see what files are run through your gulp pipeline.
- gulp-mocha - Run Mocha ★14159 tests.
- gulp-jasmine - Run Jasmine 2 ★13136 tests in Node.js.
- gulp-protractor - Gulp wrapper for Protractor ★7172 tests.
- gulp-coverage ★60 ⏳1Y - Coverage reporting for Node.js that is independent of the test runner.
- gulp-karma ★313 ⏳1Y - Karma test runner for gulp.
- gulp-ava- Run AVA tests with gulp.
Miscellaneous Plugins
- gulp-util ★812 - Set of useful utilities.
- gulp-plumber ★745 - Prevent pipe breaking caused by errors.
- gulp-load-plugins ★728 - Automatically load in gulp plugins.
- main-bower-files ★595 ⏳1Y - Simplify build process setup by dynamically getting the library files.
- autoprefixer ★14383 - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use.
- gulp-sourcemaps - Provide source map support.
- gulp-replace ★387 - A string replace plugin for gulp.
- gulp-rename ★571 - Rename files easily.
- gulp-rev ★1361 - Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to filenames: unicorn.css → unicorn-d41d8cd98f.css.
- del ★730 - Delete files/folders using globs.
- gulp-exec ★126 - Run a shell command.
- gulp-strip-debug ★211 - Strip console, alert, and debugger statements from JavaScript code.
- gulp-cssimport ★27 - Parses a CSS file, finds imports, grabs the content of the linked file and replaces the import statement with it.
- gulp-inline-css ★229 - Inline your CSS properties into the style attribute in an HTML file.
- gulp-gh-pages ★580 - Publish contents to Github pages.
- gulp-ng-annotate - Add AngularJS dependency injection annotations with ng-annotate ★2088.
- gulp-bump ★243 - Bump any semver JSON version.
- gulp-file-include ★484 - Include files with gulp.
- gulp-zip ★217 - ZIP compress files.
- gulp-git ★373 - Run Git commands with gulp.
- gulp-filter ★278 - Filter files in a vinyl stream using globbing.
- gulp-preprocess - Preprocess files based on custom context or environment configuration.
- [gulp-eval] (https://github.com/gulp-bem/gulp-eval) - Eval JS-expression or require CommonJS modules and JSON files.
- web-starter-kit ★17922 - Google Web Starter Kit.
- gulp-plugin-boilerplate ★59 - Boilerplate to kickstart creating gulp plugins.
- polymer-starter-kit ★2452 - A starting point for Polymer 1.0 apps.
- este ★5306 - The most complete React/Flux dev stack and starter kit for isomorphic functional web apps.
- mnml ★726 - Minimal boilerplate to start a responsive HTML5/Sass project.
- kraken ★668 ⏳1Y - A lightweight, mobile-first boilerplate for front-end web developers.
- angularjs-gulp-browserify-boilerplate ★1069 - Boilerplate using AngularJS, Sass, gulp, and Browserify.
- hapi-ninja ★397 ⏳2Y - A Node.js, Hapi, and Swig boilerplate.
- laravel-5-boilerplate ★2595 - A Laravel 5 boilerplate project.
- react-starterkit ★356 - React starter kit that contains react-router, Reflux, jest, webpack, gulp and Stylus.
Yeoman Generators
- generator-gulp-webapp - A gulp generator for modern webapps.
- generator-gulp-angular ★3886 ⏳1Y - Yeoman generator for AngularJS with gulp.
- generator-react-gulp-browserify ★426 ⏳1Y - A Yeoman Generator for React library. It includes gulp, Browserify, Browsersync and Bootstrap.
- generator-node-gulp ★37 ⏳1Y - A Node.js module generator including gulp and Mocha.
- generator-gulp-bootstrap ★71 ⏳2Y - Yeoman generator for Bootstrap, gulp & libsass.
- generator-angulpify ★149 ⏳2Y - Yeoman generator involving AngularJS, gulp and Browserify.
- generator-ionic-gulp ★140 ⏳1Y - A Yeoman generator for Ionic Projects with gulp.
- generator-gulp-plugin-boilerplate - Scaffold out a gulp plugin boilerplate ★59.
- generator-jekyllized ★336 - Jekyll workflow with gulp, Sass, AutoPrefixer, asset optimization and cache busting and much more.
- elixir ★1093 - A clean, fluent API for defining basic gulp tasks for your Laravel applications.
- gulp-app ★973 - Gulp as an app (OS X).
- lmn-gulp-tasks ★21 - Example of gulp tasks unit testing.
- gulp-chef - An elegant, intuitive way to reuse gulp tasks.
To the extent possible under law, Philipp Alferov has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
This list is a copy of alferov/awesome-gulp with ranks