Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of Urigo/awesome-meteor with ranks
Awesome Meteor
A curated list of awesome Meteor Packages, libraries and software.
The official Meteor resources page can be found here
- Awesome Meteor
- Getting Started
- Collections
- Forms and Templates
- Users and Authentication
- Files
- Routers
- Debugging Tools
- Editor Plugins
- Search, sort and paginate
- Mobile
- Offline
- Testing
- Data Visualization
- Analytics
- Cron Jobs
- Payments
- Deployment
- Front End Frameworks
- Alternative Databases
- Package managers
- Internationalization
- Scaffolding
- Tooling
- Boilerplate
- Resources
- Contributing
Getting Started
Where to start
- Official Meteor tutorial
- Discover Meteor Book
- Official Guide
- Why Meteor to begin with, and Meteor vs. the MEAN stack
Helpers and expensions for collections
- node-simple-schema - A JavaScript schema validation package that supports direct validation of MongoDB update modifier objects
- aldeed:collection2 ★980 - Automatic validation of insert and update operations on the client and server.
- dburles:collection-helpers ★503 – Transform your collections with helpers that you define.
- matb33:collection-hooks ★610 - Extends Mongo.Collection with before/after hooks for insert/update/remove/find/findOne.
- reywood:publish-composite ★526 - publish a set of related documents from various collections using a reactive join
- jagi:astronomy ★579 - The Model layer for Meteor
REST support for Meteor
- simple:rest ★349 - automatically make your Meteor app accessible over HTTP and DDP alike.
- nimble:restivus ★528 - Make REST endpoints for your Meteor app with incredible ease.
Forms and Templates
Helpers for templates
- aldeed:autoform ★1457 - UI components and helpers to easily create basic forms with automatic insert and update events, and automatic reactive validation.
- aldeed:template-extension ★219 ⏳1Y - A Meteor package: Replace already defined templates, inherit helpers and events from other templates.
- kadira:blaze-layout ★203 - Layout Manager for Blaze (works well with Meteor FlowRouter)
- dispatch:scrollview ★25 ⏳2Y - A high performance infinite scrollview for meteor
- themeteorites:blaze-magic-events ★26 ⏳1Y - A new way of binding event handlers to html elements for Meteor’s Blaze
- manuel:viewmodel ★204 - MVVM for Meteor
- webix:webix ★341 ⏳1Y - Meteor.js - Webix UI integration
- uniforms ★499 - Bunch of React components and helpers to easily generate and validate forms. Seamlessly integrate with
Users and Authentication
Tools for handling users and authentication
- accounts-base - Meteor’s user account system.
- alanning:roles ★872 - Roles support for the built-in accounts packages.
Tools for deploying and maintaining Meteor apps
- When a Meteor finally hits production - Blog post about deploying Meteor apps
- BulletProof Meteor
- meteorhacks:kadira ★202 - Performance Monitoring for Meteor.
- meteor-up – Meteor Deployments.
- davidyaha:collection2-migrations ★37 ⏳2Y - Auto DB migrations with collection2 and simple schema on Meteor
- percolate:migrations ★223 - Simple migration system for Meteor
- meteorhacks:fast-render ★583 ⏳1Y - Render you app even before the DDP connection is live
- meteorhacks:cluster ★646 ⏳1Y - Clustering solution for Meteor with load balancing and service discovery
- yogiben:admin ★844 ⏳1Y - A complete admin dashboard solution
- demeteorizer - Converts a Meteor app into a “standard” Node.js application
- houston:admin ★828 ⏳1Y - A zero-config, Django Admin-like admin for Meteor
- pm2-meteor ★143 - Simplest way to deploy, scale and run Meteor Apps with PM2.
Routers for Blaze
- iron:router ★2052 - A client and server side router designed specifically for Meteor.
- kadira:flow-router ★1106 - Client Side Router for Meteor.
- ostrio:flow-router-extra ★131 - Carefully extended
package. Up-to-date version with support of latest Meteor’s releases. - meteorhacks:picker ★166 - Server Side Router for Meteor.
Tools for Meteor offline support
- ground:db ★560 - GroundDB is a thin layer providing Meteor offline database and methods.
Testing tools
- Meteor Testing Manual
- mike:mocha ★156 ⏳2Y – Run mocha tests within the Meteor framework.
- xolvio:chimp ★745 - Testing so easy, a primate could do it! Supports mocha, Cucumber, jasmine, and chai.
- velocity:html-reporter ★24 ⏳2Y - HTML reporter for Meteor velocity testing framework.
- Gagarin ★159 - Another testing framework for your meteor apps.
Search Engine Optimization tools
- ostrio:spiderable-middleware ★7 - Prerendering (a.k.a. Spiderable) with support of ES6 (ECMAScript2015) - Meteor app crawled perfectly by search engines.
Handling files in Meteor
- Meteor-CollectionFS ★1090 - Meteor webbased filesystem handling up and downloads.
- ostrio:files ★812 - Upload files via DDP, HTTP and WebRTC/DC. To Meteor server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropBox or Google Drive. Fast, secure and robust.
- netanelgilad:excel ★52 ⏳1Y - Parsing and generating excel files (xlsx, xls).
Search, sort and paginate
Search, sort and paginate related tools
- tmeasday:publish-counts ★196 ⏳1Y - Publish the count of a cursor, in real time.
- percolate:find-from-publication ★35 ⏳2Y - Enable finding all documents that have been published by a given publication.
- meteorhacks:search-source ★153 ⏳1Y - Reactive Data Source for Search
- matteodem:easy-search ★424 - Easy-to-use search with Blaze Components (+ Elastic Search Support)
- alethes:pages ★410 - Out of the box Meteor pagination
- Discover Meteor Blog about pagination
Mobile Development
- meteoric:ionic ★1578 ⏳1Y - Ionic components for Meteor.
- driftyco:ionic - Official Ionic support for Meteor.
- raix:push ★494 - Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox).
- martijnwalraven:meteor-ios ★762 ⏳1Y - Integrates native iOS apps with the Meteor platform through DDP.
- delight-im/Android-DDP ★264 - DDP for clients on Android.
- okland:accounts-phone ★110 ⏳1Y - A login service based on mobile phone number for Meteor.
- okland:camera-ui ★28 - Meteor package for taking photos with user interface, one function call on desktop and mobile. Allows to choose between camera to photoLibrary on mobile.
- percolatestudio/cordova-plugin-safe-reload ★14 ⏳2Y - Cordova plugin to watch and recover after a broken Meteor Hot Code Push.
Data Visualization
Data Visualization in Meteor: charts, maps, tables, etc.
- AnyChart-Meteor ★15 - This package provides a simple way to use AnyChart JavaScript charting component in Meteor.
- aldeed:tabular ★353 - Reactive datatables for large or small datasets.
- okgrow:analytics ★204 - Google Analytics, Mixpanel, KISSmetrics (and more) integration for meteor.
Cron Jobs
Cron Jobs in Meteor
- percolate:synced-cron ★474 - Cron system for Meteor. It supports syncronizing jobs between multiple processes.
- vsivsi:job-collection ★378 - A persistent and reactive job queue for Meteor, supporting distributed workers that can run anywhere.
- ostrio:cron-jobs ★14 - Package with similar API to native
methods, but synced between all running Meteor (NodeJS) instances.
Debugging Tools
Debugging Tools
- msavin:mongol - Visual Editing Tool for Meteor for MongoDB Collections.
- msavin:jetsetter ★188 ⏳3Y - Visual Get/Set Tool for Meteor Session Variables.
- meteorhacks:kadira-debug ★158 ⏳2Y - Full Stack Debugging Solution for Meteor.
- babrahams:constellation ★33 - An extensible dev console for Meteor.
- Meteor DDP Monitor - Chrome Dev tools extension for monitoring Meteor DDP traffic
- Dr. Mongo - Open-source MongoDB admin app built on MeteorJs.
Package Managers
Using package managers in Meteor
- meteorhacks:npm ★532 ⏳2Y - Use Npm Modules with Your Meteor App.
- cosmos:browserify ★79 - Browserify npm modules for client side in Meteor packages.
- Meteor Kitchen - Code generator for Meteor
- iron-cli ★655 ⏳1Y - A scaffolding command line tool for Meteor applications
- Differential - meteor-boilerplate ★915 ⏳2Y
- meteoris2 ★258 ⏳2Y
- Base ★672 ⏳1Y
- ESLint-plugin-Meteor ★97 - ESLint plugin for Meteor
Open source apps
- VulcanJS ★6814 - A toolkit to quickly build apps with React, GraphQL & Meteor
- Microscope ★924 ⏳1Y - The Discover Meteor book’s example app
- Wekan ★12873 - Open source Trello-like kanban
- Reaction Commerce ★7337 - Open source Commerce platform developed with Meteor
- Crowducate Platform ★190 ⏳1Y - Open source education platform Powered by meteor
- Orion CMS
Front End Frameworks
Alternative Front End Frameworks to Blaze
- Blaze
- React - Working with React and Meteor
- Angular ★2322 - Working with Angular and Meteor
- Angular 2 ★320 - Working with Angular 2 and Meteor
- Famo.us ★349 ⏳1Y - Famo.us and Meteor
Vue - Working with Vue and Meteor (plus single-file components & apollo support)
- frozeman:build-client ★246 - A tool to bundle the client part of a Meteor app.
- Asteroid ★718 - An alternative client for a Meteor backend
- ddp.js ★191 - Isomorphic JavaScript DDP client
Alternative Databases
Alternative Databases for MongoDB
- meteor-pg ★21 ⏳1Y - New and improved PostgreSQL support for Meteor
- ostrio:neo4jdriver ★53 ⏳1Y - Neo4j Driver for Meteor, with support of GrapheneDB
- numtel:pg ★305 ⏳2Y - Reactive PostgreSQL for Meteor
- numtel:mysql ★344 ⏳1Y - Reactive MySQL for Meteor
- simple:rethink ★312 ⏳2Y - RethinkDB integration for Meteor
Where to discover new Meteor things.
- EventedMind
- Udemy — Meteor: Build a real-time web app using only JavaScript
- Udemy - A Beginner’s Guide to the Meteor JavaScript Framework
- tuts+ - Single Page Web Apps with Meteor
- DevFreeCasts.org
- MeteorTuts
- Building a CMS-powered blog in Meteor
- scotch.io - Building a Slack Clone in Meteor
- Rocket-Chat Slack Clone
- Meteor Learning ★1623 - List of resources to learn
- Phusion Passenger: Meteor tutorial
- Official website
- Official Documentation
- Official Guide
- Atmosphere - The catalog of Meteor packages, resources and tools.
- BulletProof Meteor - Online course for Meteor performance in production, by Arunoda Susiripala
- Meteorpedia (infrequently updated)
- DiscoverMeteor Encyclopedia
- Roadmap
- Meetups
- YouTube videos from meetups around the world
- Unofficial Meteor FAQ ★1004 ⏳3Y
- The Meteor Chef
- Stack Overflow
- Meteor forums
- Gitter IM channel
- The Meteor Chef Slack channel
- IRC - #meteor on freenode
Job Boards
Your contributions are always welcome!
Thank you @gillesfabio for creating this repo!
This list is a copy of Urigo/awesome-meteor with ranks