Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of DavidLambauer/awesome-magento2 with ranks
Awesome Magento 2
A curated list of awesome Magento 2 Extensions & Resources
- n98-magerun2 - The CLI Swiss Army Knife for Magento 2.
- Documentation Search for Alfred ★5 ⏳1Y - Easily integrate the official Magento 2 Search into your Alfred Workflows.
- Tablerates Generator - Generate Tablerates with an online Tool.
- Pestle ★300 - Code Generation Tool by Alan Storm.
- Mage2Gen - Online Module Creator.
- Magento 2 Code Generator ★108 - Code Generator by Juan Alonso.
- Magento 2 Docker to Linux - Focused to development process, pretty faster on the Linux.
- Magento 2 Bitnami VM - Focused to development process, works so fine.
- Mage Chrome Toolbar ★143 - A MUST-HAVE Chrome Extension for Magento 2 by MageSpecialist.
- convertm1m2 ★111 - A simple script to convert extensions from Magento1 to Magento 2.
Magento 2 data migration tool ★148 - Official Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration tool
Open Source Extensions
Development Utilities
- Config ImportExport ★74 - CLI Based Config Management.
- Codesniffer ★257 - Magento 2 Codesniffer.
- Whoops Exceptions ★26 - PHP Exceptions for Cool Kids in Magento 2.
- Developer Toolbar ★139 - Magento 2 Developer Toolbar.
- Advanced Template Hints ★88 - Magento 2 Template Hints Helper.
- Magento2 PHPStorm Templates ★99 - Live templates for Magento2
- Technical Dept Collector ★15 ⏳1Y - Console Command to aggregates technical debt information on Magento 2 modules into a CSV format by Vinai Kopp.
- Magento 2 Dockerize ★79 - A composer package for dockerizing Magento 2.
- Mage2 Vagrant ★248 - Simple Magento 2 Vagrant Box.
- frontools ★274 - Set of front-end tools for Magento 2, based on Gulp.js.
- Scopehints ★31 - Displays additional information in the Store Configuration by Andreas von Studnitz.
- PreferencesInfoCommand ★13 - bin/magento command to display configured preferences for classes or interfaces
- m2install ★33 - Magento 2 Bash Install/Restore Script
- Magento 2 Configurator ★72 - A Magento module initially created by CTI Digital to create and maintain database variables using files.
- Magento Collect ★14 - A Polymer e-commerce element for Magento 2.
- Auto Cache Flush ★8 - Magento 2 module to automatically flush the cache.
- Capistrano::Magento2 ★104 - Magento 2 deployments with Capistrano by David Alger.
- MageDeploy2 ★28 - Automatic Magento2 Deployments with robo and deployer.
- Magento 2 Deployment Tool ★31 - Magento2 Deployment Tool with PHing by Juan Alonso.
- Deployer Magento2 Recipe - Magento2 deployment recipe for deployer.
Language Packages
- Russian Language Package.
de_DE ★49
- German Language Package.
- de_CH ★2 🇨🇭 - Swiss Language Package.
fr_FR ★26
- French Language Package.
- da_DK 🇩🇰 - Danish Language Package.
- es_AR ★0 🇦🇷 - Spanish (Argentina) Language Package.
es_ES ★8
- Spanish Language Package.
- pt_BR ★0 🇧🇷 - Portuguese Brazil Language Package.
it_IT ★5
- Italian Language.
- nl_NL ★21 alt. 🇳🇱 - Dutch Language Package.
- pl_PL ★14 🇵🇱 - Polish Language Package.
tr_TR ★13
- Turkish Language Package.
- ro_RO ★2 🇷🇴 - Romanian Language Package.
- fi_FL ★0 🇫🇮 - Finnish Language Package.
- ko_KR ★1 🇰🇷 - Korean Language Package.
- sk_SK ★0 🇸🇰 - Slovakian Language Package.
- sl_SI ★7 🇸🇮 - Slovenian Language Package.
- Donation Product Module ★12 - Integration for donations to charities
- Algolia Search Integration ★65 - Algolia Search(SaaS) Integration.
- Elastic Suite Integration ★239 - Elastic Suite Integration.
- FastSimpleImport2 ★73 - Wrapper for Magento 2 ImportExport functionality, which imports products and customers from arrays.
- Mageplaza Blog Extension - Simple, but well working Blog Extension.
- Magento 2 Blog Extension by Magefan ★73 - Free Blog module for Magento 2 with unlimited blog posts and categories, SEO friendly, lazy load and AMP support.
- Bluefoot CMS - CMS Plugin owned by Magento for Magento 2.
- PageDesigner ★42 - Easily create and drag and drop your CMS contents in the Magento Backend.
- MagePlaza Seo - Well documented multi purpose SEO Extension.
- Magemonkey Mailchimp Integration ★46 - Plug & Play Mailchimp Integration.
- Magento 2 PDF ★25 - PDF Generator based on wkhtmltopdf.
Adminhtml / Backend
- Customer Force Login ★66 - Login as a Customer for support reasons.
- Checkout Tester ★21 - Extension to quickly test Checkout changes.
- Firebear Import/Export - Import/Export Improvements for Standard Magento Importer.
- FireGento Fast Simple Import ★73 - Wrapper for Magento 2 ImportExport functionality, which imports products and customers from arrays
- Magento 2 Import Framework ★34 - A library supporting generic Magento 2 import functionality
- Image Resizer ★40 - Magento 2 Module to add simple image resizing capabilities in all blocks and .phtml templates by Staempfli.
- Excel Spreadsheet ★5 ⏳1Y - Magento 2 Module for parsing xlsx, xlsm and csv files from Excel by Staempfli.
- PDF Generator ★20 - Invoice PDF Generator For Magento 2 by EaDesign.
- Mobile Detection ★10 - Mobile detect change theme and redirect based on device type by EaDesign.
- Menu Editor ★67 - Provides powerful menu editor to replace category based menus in Magento 2.
- PageNotFound ★15 - Saves upcoming 404 in your Database with the possibility to created a redirect.
- EmailCatcher / Logger ★14 - Saves all emails send by Magento in your database. Adds a grid where they can be viewed.
- Reset Customer Password ★18 - Set a customer password with bin/magento by Vinai Kopp.
- Admin Auto Login ★8 ⏳1Y - Automatically login to Magento 2 admin, veru useful for demo
- Secure Password Hashing - Improves Password Hashing for Magento 2.
- 2FA ★29 - Two Factor Auth for Magento 2.
- [Maleware Scanner] - A collection of rules and samples to detect Magento malware.
- Fastly Extension ★22 - Magento 2 fastly integration.
Proprietary Extensions
- Commercebug Debugging Extension - A Magento 2 Debug Extension.
- Magicento - PHPStorm Plugin to add Magento 2 related functionality.
Kraken.io ★15 - High Quality Image reduction Service as a SaaS Integration.
Personal Blogs
- Anna Völkl
- Alan Kent
- Alan Storm
- Ben Marks
- Fabian Schmengler
- James Cowie
- Marcel Hauri
- Max Pronko
- Rafael Correa Gomes
- Rebecca L Troth
- Pierrefay
Company Blogs
- Max Pronko’s Devletter - Monthly Development Newsletter.
- MageTalk: A Magento Community Podcast - Community Podcast by Kalen Jordan and Phillip Jackson.
- MageTitans Italia 2016
- MageTitans MCR 2016
- MageTitans USA/Texas 2016
- Max Bucknell Magento 2 Javascript
- Max Pronko DevChannel
- The Magento 2 Beginner Tutorial Class - Free YouTube Series for learning Magento 2.
- Vinai Kopp Mage2Katas
- Mage2.tv - Magento 2 Developer Screencasts by Vinai Kopp
- Nomad Mage - virtual user group for Magento developers, monthly meetings
- Commercehero.io - Finding a good Magento developer just got a whole lot easier.
- StackExchange - Q/A Forum.
Official Resources
- Magento Official Website - Magento’s official Website.
- Magento Developer Documentation - Official Developer Documentation.
- Magento Forum - Community Forum by Magento.
- Magento Github Repository ★5108 - Github Repository.
- Magento PHP CS Fixer ★129 - CS Fixer specific for Magento 2.
- Magento Developer Blog - Developer Blog by Magento.
- Magento 2 Code Samples ★105 - Samples to introduce and demonstrate new technologies in Magento 2.
- Magento 2 DevBox ★189 - Dockerbox built by Magento.
- Magento Masters 2017
- Peter Jaap Blaakmeer - CTO at elgentos
- Carmen Bremen - Freelancer at neoshops
- Tony Brown - Technical Director at space48
- Hirokazu Nishi
- Brent Peterson
- Sonja Riesterer
- Kristof Ringleff
- Alessandro Ronchi
- Matthias Zeis
- Kuba Zwolinski
- Gabriel Guarino
- Phillip Jackson
- Sander Mangel
- Raphael Petrini
- Fabian Schmengler
- Marius Strajeru
- Anna Völkl
- Ivan Chepurnyi
- Vinai Kopp
- Jisse Reitsma
List of trustworthy Extension Developers
- Aheadworks
- Altima
- Blue Jalappeno
- Dotmailer
- Integer-net
- Genmato
- Fooman
- Ebizmarts
- Magemail
- Mage Inferno
- Modulwerft
- Paradox Labs
- The Extension Lab
- Sweet Tooth
- Rocket Web
- ProxiBlue
- Unirgy
- WebShopApps
- Yireo
- MageNerds
- FireBear Studio
Magento Extension Developers Network (ExtDN) The Magento Extension Developers Network (ExtDN) is a vetted network of extension developers whose core business is to develop and sell quality Magento extensions. I founded ExtDN to bring accountability and trust to the Magento extension market. ExtDN members agree to hold themselves accountable to high standards of coding, copyright and business conduct.
Explanation by Fooman
Other Magento 2 related Awesome Lists
- Mageres ★313 - Alessandro Ronchi’s List of resources for Magento 1 and Magento 2.
- Awesome PHP ★17604 - A curated List of Awesome PHP Resources.
- Awesome Magento ★38 - An Awesome Magento List with mixed M1 and M2 Content by sunel.
- Headless Magento 2 ★34 - A list of resources about running Magento 2 headless by Sitewards
To the extent possible under law, David Lambauer has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
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Open Source is and should be free forever. If you like to special thank a contributor, the best way is to get them a beer! Please also check out the following Acknowledgements.
Thanks Anna Völkl & Sander Mangel for collecting all the language packs!
Thanks MageTitans for sharing the Talks on YouTube.
This list is a copy of DavidLambauer/awesome-magento2 with ranks