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Ranked awesome lists, all in one place

This list is a copy of Codepoints/awesome-codepoints with ranks

Awesome Code Points Awesome ★73813

This is a curated list of characters in Unicode, that have interesting (and maybe not widely known) features or are awesome in some other way.

Table of Contents

  1. Standalone code points
  2. Code points that affect others
    1. Breaking and Gluing other characters
  3. Record holders and extremes
  4. For funsies
    1. Games
  5. Contributing
  6. License

Standalone Code Points

Code Points that Affect Others

Breaking and Gluing other characters

For better comparison of which code point has which effect, consult this table:

  U+00A0 U+00AD U+200B U+200D U+2060
create space
allow breaking
possible change

Smashing Magazine featured a comprehensive article on the different types of whitespace.

Record Holders and Extremes

For Funsies


For plain-text gaming, Unicode is well equipped with several complete sets:

Contributing Your Code Points

See the contribution guide for details.



To the extent possible under law, the contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. See the license file for details. —

This list is a copy of Codepoints/awesome-codepoints with ranks