Ranked awesome lists, all in one place
This list is a copy of AchoArnold/discount-for-student-dev with ranks
This is list of discounts on software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings for developers who happen to be students. This list is greatly inspired by the free-for-dev list ★17836.
You can help by sending Pull Requests to add more services. Please read the contribution guidelines first. Once I have a good set of links in this README file, I’ll look into a better layout for the information and links (help with that is appreciated too).
If you’re not inclined to make PRs you can tweet me at @acho_arnold!
Table of Contents
- Source Code Repos
- IDE and Code Editing
- Version Control
- Web Hosting
- Design and Photo Editing
- SaaS
- PaaS
- CI / CD
- Payments
- Management Systems
- Mapping
- Localization
- Programming Help
- Domain Name Registers
- Security
- Software Modeling Tools
- Visual Analytics
- Game Development Tools
- 3D Animation and Modeling Software
- Password Managers
- Infrastructure Monitoring
- Other Packs
Source Code Repos
- Bitbucket - Free unlimited public and private repositories for academic users and teams.
- GitHub - Personal account (normally $7/month) with unlimited private repositories while you’re a student.
IDE and Code Editing
- PyCharm, PhpStorm, WebStorm, AppCode, CLion, RubyMine, IntelliJ IDEA - Free professional developer tools from JetBrains.
- Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2015 - Tool suite which simplifies the design, development, debug, and tuning of code that utilizes parallel processing to boost application performance. Free for students.
- Xamarin IDE - IDE for using C# for iOS, Android, Mac & Windows platforms. Free for students.
- Visual Studio Community 2015 - IDE for C#,Javascript, C++ and others. Latest release includes Xamarin.
- Bootstrap Studio - IDE that creates responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework. Free for students.
Version Control
- Tower - Version control with git made easy. Students get a 50% discount.
- GitKraken - Another free as in price desktop Git client. Based on Electron, runs on Windows, GNU/Linux, and Mac. To claim free 1-year PRO license, you must claim your Github Student Developer Pack and sign in to the desktop client w/ GitHub.
Web Hosting
- Digital Ocean - Digital Ocean provides $50 in hosting credit for every student that signs up for the Github Student Developer Pack.
- Gwiddle - Gwiddle provides hosting for 2 websites, 10 mail accounts, 4 MySQL DBs, and 3GB bandwidth and diskspace free to verified students. Includes online Plesk control panel and the ability to bring your own domain name. Supports free SSL certificates via Let’s Encrypt.
- RoseHosting - RoseHosting offers a recurring 20% discount on all their managed Linux VPS and Shared hosting plans when paying monthly. Students can use the discount by applying the coupon code “STUDENT20”. Valid for new customers only. Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Design and Photo Editing
- Sketch - 50% off your copy of Sketch when you get an educational license.
- Adobe Creative Cloud - Students save big with 60% off Creative Cloud.
- Amazon Web Services - Access cloud content, training, collaboration tools, and AWS technology at no cost by joining AWS Educate today.
- Send Grid - Student plan 15K free emails/month (normally limited to 200 free emails/day) while you’re a student available via Github Student Developer Pack.
- Travis CI - Private builds (normally $69/month) while you’re a student available via Github Student Developer Pack.
- StyleCI - Free Student Plan with access to StyleCI for up to five private repositories.
- Stripe - Web and mobile payments, built for developers. Waived transaction fees on first $1,000 in revenue processed available via Github Student Developer Pack.
Management Systems
- Bitnami - Install cloud applications in a single click. Business 3 plan (normally $49/month) for one year available via Github Student Developer Pack.
- Yellow Circle - Offers a free online sandbox for students and teachers at all levels to learn and practice IT, networking, and programming skills by creating and configuring virtual routers, virtual machines, and virtual firewalls, load-balancers, and storage devices.
- Mapbox - A mapping platform for developers. 5 GB of storage for your own custom data.
- Transifex - A localization platform for translating digital content. 1 Free Year worth $99/month available via Github Student Developer Pack.
Programming Help
- HackHands - Live programming help available 24/7. $25 in platform credit to students via Github Student Developer Pack.
Domain Name Registers
- NameCheap - One year domain name registration on the .me TLD (normally $18.99/year) via Github Student Developer Pack
- NameCheap - One year SSL certificate (normally $9/year) via Github Student Developer Pack.
Software Modeling Tools
- Astah - One Year Professional License
- Axure RP - Free educational license of Axure RP Pro
- Vertabelo - Visual database design online. 100% free academic accounts for students and lecturers who are learning or teaching database modeling.
- Invision - Prototyping and Mockup tool
- Framer - Prototyping tool. 50% off when you get an educational license.
Visual Analytics
- CartoDB - Additional space & features for free accounts or 20% discount on paid accounts.
- Tableau Desktop - One Year Professional License for Students.
- SAS University Edition and SAS OnDemand Academic - The SAS University Edition is distributed as a virtual appliance for VirtualBox/VMWare. It runs in NAT mode on the prepackaged VM and hosts SAS Studio for use with a browser on the host computer. SAS OnDemand hosts SAS Studio for use in the cloud without installation. Both are free for students and teachers at any level.
Game Development Tools
- Unity3D - Unity is one of the world’s most widely used game engines. It has created industry standards in 3D interactive content design for game development, architectural visualizations, military simulations, advertising and more. Students are offered a yearly license of $100 USD.
- Unreal Game Engine - Unreal Engine 4 is a complete suite of game development tools. From 2D mobile games to console blockbusters and VR, Unreal Engine 4 gives you everything you need to start, ship, grow and stand out from the crowd. Part of the Github Student Developer Pack
3D Animation and Modeling Software
- Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite Ultimate - 3-Year License for students from Autodesk. Includes Autodesk Maya, 3DS MAX, Softimage, Motion Builder and Mudbox.
Password Managers
- LastPass - Enjoy 6 months of LastPass Premium to help you manage your online life at school!
Infrastructure Monitoring
- Datadog - 2-Year License for a Datadog Pro account, good for monitoring 10 servers. Part of the Github Student Developer Pack
Software Packs
- Microsoft Imagine (formerly DreamSpark) - Imagine is a Microsoft program that supports technical education by providing access to Microsoft software for learning, teaching and research purposes. Currently includes SQL Server 2012, 2014, and 2016; Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, and 2016 in DataCenter, Standard, and Essentials and Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Pro. Also offers a free Azure App service plan (no credit card). Most students are also eligible for a free Windows 10 license through their school’s OnTheHub WebStore.
- Intel Tools for Students - Free access to the select Intel® Software Development Products, including: Intel® XDK, Intel® Video Pro Analyzer, Intel® System Studio, Intel® Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition and Intel® Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition (includes Fortran and C/C++).
To the extent possible under law, Acho Arnold has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
This list is a copy of AchoArnold/discount-for-student-dev with ranks